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What is your view on the death penalty

I'm undecided and wish to hear other people's take on it..
dondon · M
Ther are too many mistakes and corruption for it to be used.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I think the innocence project should scare anyone out of the death penalty, unless there is overwhelming proof as to guilt.
@ozgirl512 Exactly.
Montanaman · M
Only for extremely heinous crimes that can be proven.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@Montanaman that's the thing, I've read many times about people being released from prison and exonerated after new evidence comes to light. After people being convinced of their guilt at the time they were convicted. But what if they were executed?
Montanaman · M
@Egg01 I'm sure it's happened before, no doubt. But someone like Ted Bundy, Yeah.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@Montanaman definitely people like him
Viper · M
If someone purposely goes out of their way to kill many innocent (or fairly innocent) civilian people, do they deserve really deserve to be eating, sleeping, getting meds off tax payers dime?

I could see extremely limited it, if that's what people wish, but at minimum for the super extreme cases I'd be all for it.

Also I strongly disagree with the US Supreme Court ruling that said giving a step father the death penalty for raping his 8 or 9 year old step daughter was a cruel and unusual punishment...

The crime was a cruel and unusual punishment... so I strongly believe the death penalty for very young child molesters and those that purposely killed muliple fairly innocent people, at minimum.

Edit: but given the people have been wrongly punished at times, the standard of proof might need to be high, but if they can clearly prove it then it should be allowed.
MartinII · 70-79, M
It’s wrong in all circumstances, for two reasons. First, that mistakes will be made. Second, that the act of execution demeans all those who take part in it or witness it. Anyone who doubts this should read Oscar Wilde’s great poem The Ballad of Reading Gaol.

I understand why you might be undecided. There are many crimes where one thinks the perpetrator deserves to die. And there are some circumstances where the existence of the death penalty might act as a deterrent. But I don’t think these considerations override the moral objections.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@MartinII yes, I was previously 100% against it. I read the Oscar Wilde poem many years ago that's an excellent suggestion. I'm going to read it again now.
Docdon23 · M
I totally oppose it--it is only revenge. It does not act as a deterrent. I believe in the sacredness of all life. If a person commits a terrible crime like murder or terrorism, I am fine locking them up for the rest of their lives. And, by the way, executing them costs MORE than prison for life--the appeals and legal expenses cost a fortune! And as someone pointed out, there are too many mistakes--one state a few years ago got rid of it because 40% of the men on death row were found, by DNA testing, to be innocent.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@Docdon23 that's alot! And a posthumous pardon is of no use to them really.
Difficult given the number of people found to be innocent years later.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@SirenCalledLuce that's exactly why I'm undecided
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
I am clearly against the death penalty.

1. Too many mistakes happens and innocent people get executed.

2. Only because a criminal took someone's life doesn't mean that the state should go on the same low step and take the life too.

3. The Bible says: Thou shalt not kill.

I still could count many more reasons but I will leave it like that.
Celt50 · 51-55, M
I dont believe we've a right to take anothers life
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@Celt50 I can see what you are trying to say, but some of these terrorists really push me over the edge.
Celt50 · 51-55, M
@Crazychick I understand that , especially as they have no regard for our life
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Crazychick Killing terrosits is giving them what they want to be martras and to inspire other terroists
My feelings are complicated. In my country, it tends to be the punishment of those who don’t have the money or connections for an effective legal defense. I do believe that some criminals, like child rapists or murderers, should forfeit the right to draw breath among us. But if the state is going to take a life, they’d better be certain of guilt. We’ve executed innocent people before.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@bijouxbroussard those are approximately my feelings on it too
Crazychick · 36-40, F
For terrorists, I'm all in favour of it. I'd love to execute them myself.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Crazychick well a martyr then!!!!!!!
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@Crazychick cheeky 🤣
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@Egg01 If I'm being cheeky, what would Marta have thought of that comment? Lol :)
Frank52 · 70-79, M
The frequent injustices that are shown to have been carried out years after the crime has been committed, the corruption of powerful people and the imbalance of the groups of people picked out to be subjected to capital punishment leads me to the conclusion that it is a terrible way for a state to behave.

Some crimes are so heinous that they make me very angry, but justice is dispassionate and balances punishment and mercy and is not vengeful and passionate. The latter leads to anarchy.
I am all for life without parole.Must be a bugger getting executed when you are innocent.
BethWalerius · 36-40, F
I Think not.<a criminal. a murder. Shall we also be a murder ? Shouldnt our Community be better than a murder ? Should Community also be a murder ? Murder is murder. To kill is to kill. But that is only my opinion. I might be rong.
TexChik · F
I’m all for it ! Especially for aggravated kidnappings and rape . Murder ( 1st degree ) , terrorism , treason , pedophile rape .
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@TexChik there are some truly wicked people out there. Could you clarify treason for me, giving an example of what you consider to be a treasonous offence punishable by death. (Ps, I know what treason is (to me) but I was wondering what /you/ mean by it)
TexChik · F
@Egg01 betrayal of the country , plotting to over throw a duly elected president , leaning information to enemies .
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@TexChik Ok. Thank you for clarifying 👍️
Adhiyaman · 46-50, M
Must be in public
@Adhiyaman Why ? Who but someone sick and sadistic would want to watch another person die ?
Adhiyaman · 46-50, M
@bijouxbroussard No it’s the fear for those who intent to commit a crime,
@Adhiyaman That’s not generally a deterrent. In fact, some would see it as martyrdom.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
It' easy enough (and probably cheaper) to lock someone away forever. The death penalty is itself premeditated murder. Yea, there's a reason, and we think about it first, but that's what makes it premeditated murder.
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
I think if people have been proved without a doubt to be guilty of the crime then fair enough .However if their is a question on their guilt even though they have been found guilty then life in prison not the death penalty.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Not that some don't deserve it, but capital punishment is too much like pre-meditated murder.

Plus the only thing certain in life is death. That leaves a judge's or a jury's version as possibly uncertain.
It's interesting you had 6 hearts and 66 replies before I commented. Maybe that's an omen. 😈

I think the death penalty should be abolished. I've looked into the death experience for many years, and have come to find, there IS no death. Our return to pure positive energy is one of ineffable joy and bliss. In the words of "Abraham," channeled through Esther Hicks, "If you knew what the death experience was, you would not give it to those buggers you despise. You would keep them alive as long as possible and make them watch television."
HeteroDox · 41-45, F
There are too many cases of wrogful convinction to allow it unless the crime is all but witnessed.
it's too quick. have to find a way to make them really suffer before they die
@saragoodtimes like a reeeeeally big meat grinder?
330GTC · 61-69, M
Terrorists, foriegn and domestic, and serial killers.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@330GTC serial killers or mass murder if proven guily then yes but for terrorists by killing them your giving them what they want to and thats martyrs and to inspir others to follow thier ideology
purplepen · 51-55, F
I'd rather they were locked up and subjected to hard labor.
I’m torn. I think if you murder continuously then fuck you, you don’t deserve to watch tv and play cards in prison until you rot in hell. But then i think of the number of innocent people sitting in death row and am like wellllll maybe not.
Egg01 · 56-60, F
@Freudianslip13 I'm torn too
railfan1984 · 36-40, M
The death penalty at least here in the U.S. has become a joke as far as I'm concerned given the fact most prisoners who are on death row aren't executed for 20-30 years or more it seems after they are convicted and sentenced.
@railfan1984 I’d still rather that than execute innocent people.
Reverend · M
Its necessary. Its inhumane to lock a person in a cage for their entire life.
Docdon23 · M
@Reverend Do your homework. It is MUCH more expensive to execute them, besides hardly being humane...societies grant rights, not life, so they can take rights away, not life.
Docdon23 · M
And what kind of Reverend wants to execute people as being humane???
Reverend · M
@Docdon23 Ive done my homework, its just a completely different source then you have.
Budwick · 70-79, M
I've softened over the years.
But, if they're gonna have a death penalty,
it should be done later that day.
I think it may be more of a deterrent.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Budwick Ah yes, it is quite critical that we increase the number of people we wrongly execute.
Success · 26-30, F
I'm against long term imprisonment. It needlessly increases suffering for inmates and innocents alike.
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
It takes too long to put these inmates to death
Wiseacre · F
Death for premeditated killings!
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
I am in favor of rehabilitative measures over punitive. When it comes to those that are beyond rehabilitation, I believe it becomes a more difficult question.

Is it more humane to end a life over keeping it incarcerated forever. I generally believe I would prefer my life ended to a life in prison as we know it today. But I cannot say that it is appropriate to project my preference upon the population at large.
should be carried out way more often than it is but

since it isn't
and since it takes decades to do it

just lock them up for life and throw away the key
I'm all for it

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