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What’s your secret power?

SW-User Best Comment
I can transform someone who is needy and forelorn into a state of anger unbeknownst to any mere mortal!
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Well thanks for the warning! @SW-User
Your welcome!

Fantabulous · 46-50, F
My secret power is mostly believing in people more than they do and sometimes more than they deserve
MayaHope · 41-45, F
It’s not bad, it’s being hopeful @SW-User
Fantabulous · 46-50, F
@SW-User 🤗
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I can turn wine into water!
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@MayaHope your wish is my command lol..
Just don't tell him it was me, ok ;)
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Well he can’t even say because I don’t know about the secret wine! 🤫@ozgirl512
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@MayaHope understood ;)
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
You don't wanna know!! 😳
MayaHope · 41-45, F
So whisper @Harriet03
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@MayaHope I hardly know You!! 😬
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Good point! @Harriet03
wackidywack · 22-25
now it's not going to be a secret anymore, is it
wackidywack · 22-25
@MayaHope he gave my shit away ! to the world !
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Well now you need a new secret....@wackidywack
wackidywack · 22-25
@MayaHope already got it 😎
MrKota · 36-40
I don't have any I'm powerless.
MrKota · 36-40
@MayaHope For a little while. I have work in 2 1/2 hours.
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Sleep 😴😴@MrKota
MrKota · 36-40
@MayaHope I'll try but I hate sleep.
Lady karma lays waste to all I so much as disliie or who have wronged me. I don't understand why. I don't have to lift a finger or conspire for revenge these things take their own course and happen on their own.
@MayaHope You'd better. And if you break it you'd better pray I don't start to reflect and realize I fucked up too and beg her to forgive you because then she's even worse, my poor ex...

I didn't do it to her, I knew it would happen but I realized that I hounded her ass and pushed her into a corner she didn't want to be in where she had few options other than to hurt me.

I'm ashamed I was obsessed with her and even still she ended up in a wheel chair from what she was saying, real nasty car accident.

I never would have wished it on her even though she tried to ruin my reputation to protect other people's feelings because she couldn't be straight with ANYONE and cheated on me with like 3 separate people.

In my reflection I realized that she warned me she wanted to hide under a rock and felt like she was unable to avoid hurting somebody.

I should have understood. it just never registered because I wanted what I wanted and was completely blinded by it.

karma did NOT care that I begged her to hold off, she was even worse to her as a result. she's my bitch but I have NO control over her.
@MayaHope I've realized in time one of my personal failings is when I have a crush I can be quiet blinded by it and I just STOP listening....

It's horrible... I doubt i'll ever see her again but if I did I'd tell her i'm sorry.
MayaHope · 41-45, F
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
I make 🌽 disappear.
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Corn? @BrattyMel
@BrattyMel Hmm... your response to this is gonna be interesting... 🤣
BrattyMel · 31-35, F
Oh you have noooo idea @HootyTheNightOwl
I can pat and tuck you in bed. 😛
@MayaHope fine you can pat me then 🙄
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Yay! @SW-User
@MayaHope 😋
Transforming food into delightful pure hypnotic tastes 😊
MayaHope · 41-45, F
What’s on the menu? @SW-User
This evening ‘coq au vin and a nice fresh fruit pavlova 😛
I have hypermobile joints which makes me very flexible.
MayaHope · 41-45, F
@MayaHope jupp 😉
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I cannot say. It's a secret!
MayaHope · 41-45, F
I can keep a secret! @JoyfulSilence
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
@MayaHope I have no powers, to be honest. Don't tell anybody. They all think I have super powers.
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Okay your secret is safe with me @JoyfulSilence
rjc36 · 56-60, M
I try to understand people that I talk to and not just act like it.
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Well that sounds a most worthy secret power! @rjc36
The ability to pee around corners..
MayaHope · 41-45, F
@MayaHope It is quite formidable...
MayaHope · 41-45, F
I imagine it is... erm well actually I wasn’t really imagining it @Majorlatency
Rutterman · 46-50, M
The ability to bore anyone to death.
MayaHope · 41-45, F
What’s you kill total to date? @Rutterman
Rutterman · 46-50, M
@MayaHope I've lost track.
I have in my possession the infinity gauntlet.
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Oh on three let’s click...

i can play video games all day
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Yes my son has that one too! @SW-User
Montanaman · M
MayaHope · 41-45, F
Ahhh words are magic! @Montanaman
Montanaman · M
@MayaHope Snap! 🤭💞
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
Feeling like a corpse but still being very much alive.

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