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Do people know there is a difference between “rescuing” and animal and “adopting” an animal ?

When a shelter has to euthanize animals it’s not wrong. So if you adopt from them you didn’t rescue them you adopted them. Now many shelters have to euthanize animals they actually rescued. From slower and inhumane deaths or lives. To just say adopting a pet from a shelter and it not having been euthanized is rescuing it Ian to one put down the good work shelters do, and two really unhealthy grandeur. MO. I think I’m right I could be wrong.
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4meAndyou · F
I am not sure, in that case, if I rescued my second cat, or just adopted him. He was rescued from a kill shelter in New York by a veterinarian cat activist in Lancaster, Massachusetts. Cats of his age are usually not adopted. When I arrived in Lancaster for the event, there were only two cats left, the older cat that no one had wanted, and a black kitten with feline leukemia. I had just lost a cat, and couldn't deal with a dead kitten, so I believe I both rescued and adopted the older cat that no one had wanted.
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
Well a kill shelter is not anything something to be rescued from we call them “kill shelters” and it really adds a bad misconstruing to what they do . They actually do the rescuing and when they have to so that they can make room for more rescues they euthanize it’s a tough job it sucks but they are doing something. Now as for you you did a good thing you showed compassion you gave something a shot at happiness and j think that’s awesome but far from rescue. Again MO I’m just enjoying the conversation. Now once I found a pit bull while I was up to no good he was in a rough part of town where people could care less for a dog because the people there are suffering so much. So I decided to get the dog off the streets and take him where he could have at least a chance at a pet life the city shelter, it took hours to gain his trust and get him in the car I did not rescue that dog I did the right thing, again I found a dog in a really bad snow storm no matter how capable a dog is they are not self sufficient like cats I took him in again taking lots of time I made flyers and yes I rescued that dog from freezing to death if the shelter put him down they are being human far to often in today’s times we rely on solely emotion forsaking reason they work so well with each other we shouldn’t do that because again grandeur is dangerous more often than not . People vilify people for buying pure bread dogs and not “rescuing” like they did lies lead to more lies. It’s perfectky fine to buy a well bread dog from a responsible breeder and forgo adopting from a shelter it’s also fine to blow the whistle on irresponsible puppy mills and thus rescue the dogs involved @4meAndyou
4meAndyou · F
@Heysmellthis I disagree on just one thing. Kill shelters do offer pets for adoption, but they usually only keep them for one week. After one week, the pets are euthanized. The Lancaster group I mentioned goes to New York on a regular basis and takes cats who are on their last day. Death would follow for those cats if the Lancaster group did not arrive, so what they do is a real rescue.

I adopted this rescued cat because my previous cat was a genuine rescue, and when he died I missed him very much.

He was a stray, rescued by the woman for whom I worked, and she refused to send him to a kill shelter. She was being relocated to a nursing home by her step-daughter, and I really believe the step-daughter planned to just open the door and let the cat outside and abandon him. We could not even find a non-kill shelter that would take this cat, because he was so old. I did NOT want a cat. I am more of a dog person. But my client was so upset and devastated by the thought of her "baby" going to a kill shelter, I decided to find him a home. Long story short...I couldn't find him a home. He looked horrible. He had fleas and tapeworm and only three teeth...and later one tooth.

So I found out that my apartment building DOES allow pets if you pay, and I paid and had to keep him myself. My client was very messed up mentally, and told me she had taken this cat to the vet, but she never did. The cat cost me $3000.00 in medical bills. But he was sweet. And he had the cutest pink nose.
Stefan136 · 26-30, M
Well I think you're right. That's like us putting them in the place of danger and then acting like we're saving them from something, when we ourselves were the ones responsible for it.
Offthetop · 51-55, M
Everybody seems to say "rescue dog" now I think to make clear that they did not buy it from a puppy mill.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
I am entirely confused because nothing you are saying makes much sense.

To just say adopting a pet from a shelter and it not having been euthanized is rescuing it Ian to one put down the good work shelters do, and two really unhealthy grandeur. MO. I think I’m right I could be wrong.

What does that even mean?

A shelter euthanizes animals when they cannot get rid of them.(there are no kill shelters also) Anyone adopting an animal from a shelter is rescuing that animal before it is euthanized or stuck in a cage for a long time.

A rescue ...rescues animals and adopts them out. They work hard to adopt the rescued animals out. Rescues save animals from shelters before they are euthanized so that they can find them homes. Rescues do not euthanize. They find the animals homes.

Shelters euthanize if the animals are not adopted.

Either way. If you adopt from a shelter or you get an animal from a rescue ..they have been rescued.
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
Well my thumbs slip and I have a lot of typos but again no adopting a dog that would be euthanized is not rescuing it to say that would be to put down the shelter that is doing a good deed because if you rescue something you would usually persecute the perpetrators your vilify the shelter by saying your rescuing them you vilify the act of responsibly culling animals. Now if you’re out saving dogs with embedded collars or saving dogs from puppy mills yes you’re rescuing but Ive volunteered at animal shelters and there is no way to rescue an animal there because there is nothing to rescue them from that part has been done already . By adopting you are just acquiring a pet and showing compassion both goodness things@JaggedLittlePill
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
@JaggedLittlePill and again grandeur is a very dangerous thing for an individual and for a society. It’s what has allowed the “humane society” to get away with being so sleepy and corrupt. I wanted a cat a good black one like a Bombay and I mentioned it to a friend at work. Another coworker immediately jumped in and said no! Rescue ! There are so many cats that “need” homes . As if ti say if I were to find a loyal breeder one who appreciates the Bombay and breeds responsibly that I’d be doing something wrong ... that’s the kind of mentality grandeur leads to vilifying others seeing ones self and more noble. This lady didn’t know who she was talking too I’ve gone out of my way for all animals spiders dogs opossums cats and it goes on. I’m not a person who needs words my actions speak louder than many posting who at most have only adopted. But I’m not better than them I see the good in adopting but I also see the bad in grandeur of saying rescue when one just adopted.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
its about the Love
I’m not sure I understand why it can’t be both. I adopted my cat many years ago from a shelter that euthanized animals after a certain point if they weren’t chosen. So basically it would’ve been a question of her dying at age 3 rather than age 16. I think of just adoption as someone who buys a kitten from a breeder. Bringing one home from a shelter (especially a place without a “no-kill” policy) is adoption, too. But it’s also saving a life, which to me is rewarding.
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
Mercy killing is still killing.
Stefan136 · 26-30, M
@WeighedDown Yes. We should not kill animals, we have no right.
Heysmellthis · 36-40, M
Hmm I’m not sure what you mean.. but yes killing is killing. But a shelter has a huge task since man has interacted with animals “culling” has always been a thing and it’s not wrong it is wrong to vilify that act. A farmers dog has puppies he culls the pups knowing he has to feed the animals he has and his fam right thing to do. A man ties up a dog to a tree and doesn’t feed it collar gets embedded dog dies wrong thing to do and not at all the same thing the shelters cannot just take in all unwanted animals they do their best and when they have to honorably Put the ANIMAL to sleep . If a person adopts it before that happens they didn’t rescue it they just adopted an animal hats a nice thing to do but it’s no rescue act. To push that issue is to push for delusions of grandeur. Not healthy for a person not healthy for a society. @WeighedDown

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