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What do you do to calm yourself down when you're nervous?

some kind of meditation or a joint, or both...and maybe porn.
@Fangirlsarah1996: come on lol, that shit goes together pretty well or individually...don't make me choose!!
Fangirlsarah1996 · 26-30, F
@Kuronekko: If you could pick two then ;)
@Fangirlsarah1996: guess I'm just greedy :)
And it work doesn't it ??
Talk urself out of it if that makes sense . When ur nervous u panic but ask urself, why are u nervous and slowly as u think and think deep it will pass keep reassuring urself that there is fuckall wrong with u and slowly u will over come it and Ul be giving the same advice as I :)
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
Regulate breathing, smoke pot
doctorlove · M
Couple tokes
I internally yell viciously at myself in abuse until the emotional pain overcomes the worry.
@aiyana: :( I'm sorry.
fazer1k · 56-60, M
Deep breaths to slow your heartbeat - don't overdo it though in case you hyperventilate. Then maybe some good music.
joe23 · 26-30, M
Stop what I'm doing and take a deep breath and think of someone important to me. An it always calms me down .
Groofydorkgerdo · 56-60, M
Cry, scream, cuss, draw, writhe bike hike, and or sin in the shower
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
If it's daytime, go swimming. If it's night, say a prayer.
icyreb · M
growl like a dog and get angry usually conquers any nervousness...
Go to sleep and hope the next day will be easier.
QFisher22 · 46-50, M
Close your eyes and take deep breathes
Breathe..write... erase writings...breathe some more
Take valium. Drink. Sleep, if I can. Listen to music.
TheOneWhoEscaped · 26-30, F
Watching baby videos, getting punched in the face.
Loverinthesky96 · 26-30, M
Harcore Drug and achohol abuse :)
WiltingRose · 26-30, F
Nothing can calm me down so far. 😢
think about tomorrow
some atarax
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WiltingRose · 26-30, F
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
Breathing exercises. Trust me, they help.

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