I realize this is not the most effective place to shame a relative. But this is my first cousin. He is a user and a prick. He is a 23 yo consultant in Tulsa with political aspirations. Only concern to him is a future political career here in Oklahoma as a Demoncrat. He has never contacted me for anything other than to discuss his aspirations. I do not care. I am die hard conservative and will fight him as much as I can. If he runs for anything.
Honestly, you are not being very convincing in your argument. Hating someone purely on political backing is not good enough. Plus, he's easy on the eyes. Just saying.
I can understand your reasons. People with Political aspirations are ruthless to the point nothing else matters but their career, They want to "Be up there" with the pretentious ones. Best to give them a wide berth. No need to justify your views. Those savvy enough will know where your coming from.
@Gusman He will lose. I will make sure of that. I am pretty powerful in my own way.
Why don't you tell us what he does to use people, because his talking about his future is a responsible thing to do for someone his age. Maybe then you'll find sympathetic ears. As it now stands, talking crap about him and posting his photo on a social web site doesn't make you come off as righteous.
@SW-User He does not associate with any of us. Except when he called me once to see if I could help him. He only manipulates people. He is a narcissistic prick. It is a long story.
@Shaneishere okay. But, FWIW, I think it's pretty crappy to talk smack about a family member and post his photo on a social site. That's not what I would define as mature. I have relatives I don't like or speak with due to the reasons you've mentioned, but I would never do what you've done here.
@Spoiledbrat I understand but He is a self serving prick that does not acknowledge us unless he thinks we can help him with his political career. Maybe if I help him, he can help me though.