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Randall · 26-30, M
Kindred spirits then! Thanks for the welcome!
@Randall Sure thing...

sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
If I see a serious post, I try to give a serious answer. Otherwise it's all fun and games.
@sarabee1995 are my questions more serious or fun?
@sarabee1995 🤗 I've always liked what you do on here
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@YukikoAmagi Well, this one seemed like a serious question, so I gave you my serious answer. :)

@SW-User Thank you! ;)
a wop bop a loo bop a wop bam boom!!!

Now what was the question? lol

Yes-that gets n my nerves. Everyone's a comedian/enne
@SW-User I have as I'm old. Now I just recount stories of my "glory days" The ones that passed me by. Pretty girl, it it no fun aging.
@Elandra77 I bet it isn't 😬
@Elandra77 😃
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
there aren't many people in this world who are going to give you serious, verifiable answers for free...

Hell, even a shrink charges you $100+/hr just to listen to you talk...
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@MethDozer and that's a cheap one... a really good one (though, I'm not sure what defines a good or bad shrink) will run $250-300/hr
ZonkeyBalls · 46-50, M
@wildbill83 A good one can cure brainfarts by staring at you through a monocle, while quoting Julius Caesar.
@wildbill83 If they can’t give serious answers when they are due then they shouldn’t answer. It’s as simple as that
Most people come here for entertainment, not for advice. So silly answers are given. It gets old, but hey that is life on The Net.
@ZonkeyBalls Lol...
@SW-User I agree that sensitivity is needed. Some here really need a friend, or just someone to listen too. I hope I am kind and compassionate when it's needed. And I think most here are. But we are not professionals, and most prefer to keep the conversations light.
@JustLikeGreta Well that can be understood, but keeping the conversations light does not mean they can make jokes and funny remarks upon other people's personal stuff
Absolutely.... there’s a time and a place for every feeling and to answer every question with the same response is disturbing and odd. I have blocked a few bc of this... if people want to troll or mock serious questions they shouldn’t answer full stop.

It’s like they have no feelings, are being foolish or deliberately answering in a pacifying manner either way it’s lame 😒
ZonkeyBalls · 46-50, M
@SW-User I have a penis. I'd have two, but somebody stole the other one. Why are you being such a non-lovely human being? Think positively! As long as it's not HIV positive, everything is wonderful and fine.
@SW-User Exactly!
Clown 🤡 @ZonkeyBalls
Magenta · F
Yes, it's annoying and not that funny. I like a bit of thought and intelligence.
ZonkeyBalls · 46-50, M
@Magenta Just a bit? I had such high hopes for you...
@Magenta I thought so too!
Nobody really pays attention to serious posts.
@SW-User Lol yet they make answers that aren't serious for the posts
l dont expect anyone here to be serious or socially apt. I mean...look around.

But I am tired of stupid ass remarks & have been blocking people for it lol.
But I am tired of stupid ass remarks

This is exactly what I'm trying to point out
@BeefySenpie Haha nope. I'm just tired
SailorMarz · F
Only when i make a post meant to be taken seriously. That rarely ever happens (:
@SailorMarz 🤔 Does it rarely happen because you don't think some people here will take you seriously enough?
SailorMarz · F
@SW-User hmmm...that's only a tiny part of the reason why.
i'm one of those people who jokes around a lot :( sorry
@SW-User Lol Nah I've seen you being serious at the right times. There's nothing wrong with you 🤗
@SW-User heyy thanks! <3 🤗
@SW-User 🤗 No problem!
ZonkeyBalls · 46-50, M
This is a good answer. Also, I do breathe as a hobby.
@ZonkeyBalls Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
ZonkeyBalls · 46-50, M
@SW-User Not certain, if that was sarcasm, but who cares... ;o)
@ZonkeyBalls Your instinct was right
okay i'll give good and professional answer
@YukikoAmagi Haha haven't you always? 😏
@SW-User 😅😅
My answers and free life advice is awesome..
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout You're exceptional...Your answers always crack me up
I'm serious when I need to be. Most of the time I just don't care to answer seriously to the majority of people. There are a few people I always try to treat and take them seriously and I return it with an appropriate response.
@SW-User I bet some people here have this expression on their faces around here 😠
@SW-User Believe me, they do lol
@SW-User oh I see it 😂 pity them.
Elegy · 46-50
You don't get to choose the responses you receive.
Elegy · 46-50
@SW-User Am I not allowed to participate in the thread?
@Elegy I see. Well your participation makes you look more like a bystander to me
Elegy · 46-50
@SW-User I am.
I try to be serious but then people say Im too serious and uptighttt
@SW-User 🤗 Haha I'll sweeten the bejesus out of you!
@SW-User I like your seriousness and touching upon subjects you want expressed. It's kind and affectionate to me in how you view them.

A touch of humour and borrowing the humour of a friend is always a benefit. I've had too and I suffer from anxiety and depression but can find a good laugh (and I think it helps me become a better person) from being with friends, and listening to them.
🤗@SW-User @SW-User
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Degbeme 😆 Fair enough
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
They're hiding in the basement with the good questions. (You can take that as serious or flip -- it works either way.)
@ChipmunkErnie Lol I'll take that as a mix of humor and serious
Rokasu · 36-40, M
The question is: do you deserve good answers?
@Rokasu Lol nah you're better
Rokasu · 36-40, M
@SW-User Well shit
@Rokasu Hahaha
No. It's fun
@SW-User Does that mean you want to join other people who never take anything seriously on here?
@SW-User depends
@SW-User Glad you didn't say yes
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
No, that would make me a hypocrite, but sometimes my Vulcan dna doesn’t get their humor
@Deadcutie Lol My DNA sometimes doesn't get their humor either
Randall · 26-30, M
I'm back after a hiatus. I do wish deep connection were more common.
@Randall So do I. Welcome back :)
ZonkeyBalls · 46-50, M
@Randall Okay, but only your wrist can go inside. If you lose your watch, I will not take any responsibility for it.
I'll be real here...I only make humor out of posts that I feel are meant to be humorous. If I see a serious post, I will of course take it seriously. I don't really have a good sense of humor anyway so i'm mostly taking things seriously.
@SW-User Ah good :)
Worry not child, I have returned.
@SW-User Ahh the hopeful beam of light that is youth, ever charming.
@SW-User The charming one here is you 🤗
@SW-User you flatter me.
I’m seldom serious ..sorry 😊. I’ll try harder though ...
Yes and stormy,one of those days! 😬🥶. Fooking snow!!@SW-User
@SW-User I love snow!
Welcome to shovel mine . Anytime 😉@SW-User
Tminus6453 · M
I'll recognize a serious question and give a serious answer 🤓
@Tminus6453 That's why you're one of my favorite users here 😏
Tminus6453 · M
@SW-User 😯🤗.....wait!....Cant tell if thats serious or not serious 😋
@Tminus6453 Haha I'm dead serious 🤗
I thought that’s what most wanted....
@SW-User I’d give serious answers often and nothing
The jokesters were always the rave
@SW-User Some of them aren't even good jokesters. Their humor is brain twisting
@SW-User sometimes not even that . Lol
Reject · 26-30, M
I'm right here! 😌
Rokasu · 36-40, M
@Reject Dangit, you weren’t supposed to expose me like that. And I can’t even be mad cause you’re so freaking cute.
Reject · 26-30, M
@Rokasu Oopsie. I was surprised. I was like "Wha...?! A jealous Rokie! No way!" 😝
@Reject Haha aw thank you 🤗 I really appreciate that
I get tired of people trying to be funny on a serious question
@wilderflower Me too. I bet most of them are assholes
@SW-User yup. Most are.
VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
The good questions still get good answers.. sometimes ☺️
@VeronicaPrincess Sometimes is good. That's all I need :P
User41 · 36-40, M
I ate em all.
@User41 😂 I'd like to see that as self acknowledgement
User41 · 36-40, M
🤷🏻‍♂️ I’m self aware of my presence here. An the vibes I give off.

I just don’t care.
@User41 I like your presence here and the very good vibes you give off too :)
It depends on the question, to be honest.
@SW-User That I agree
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
Im one of the worst offenders. lol
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@5thApprentice you give serious answers as least I believe I have seen you do so! 😂
@5thApprentice Haha you wish! JaggedLittlePill is right. You're a good balance :D
I like the goofy ones.
@SW-User They're good. I admit that I like them, but people need to take certain posts more seriously, otherwise they shouldn't answer them
Zonuss · 41-45, M
It depends on the person answering. You get a mix of real and fake here. So you're gonna get stupid answers from stupid people. Then you're gonna get serious answers from serious people. Simple.
ZonkeyBalls · 46-50, M
@Zonuss Oye, ye callin' me fish stupid, eh?
@Zonuss You didn't have to tell me that lol
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@SW-User Oh well thats my answer. 🙂
DDonde · 31-35, M
If it's a legit serious question I'll try to give an honest answer.
@DDonde Even if the honest answer isn't serious? 🤔
DDonde · 31-35, M
@SW-User My honest answers usually are.
@DDonde Excellent! 🤗
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Yes, sometimes it bothers me.
@JaggedLittlePill Glad I have someone on the same page with me
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@LvChris I see. It's true that there aren't lots of good questions around here. And thank you :D
MethDozer · M
Pfft, that's what the internet is made for.
MethDozer · M
@SW-User Nobody said it should be expected to be taken seriously either.
@MethDozer Nobody said it shouldn't be taken seriously either
MethDozer · M
@SW-User Oh yes they have. We been saying it since Usenet, Aol, and IRC days.

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