I wouldn't mind Christmas so much, but it is too commercialized, and it isn't about celebrating the birth of Jesus but how many presents you give and how expensive they are, plus about receiving the best gifts too.
Plus I don't like seeing Christmas stuff in the stores around Halloween time.
@happilymarriedguy True. It started in October here. PS-Nothing to do with Jesus - the Vatican picked Dec25th as his birthday to fit in with everyone's pagan midwinter festival.
@wildatheart Nah. Find a set of Xmas haters on Xmas day. That was fun last year anyway. Somewhere there WILL be an Asian corner shop open selling alcohol and cigarettes.
@jveryoral xmas is a very wonderful time for so many people...especially the ones who HAVE a family to "put up with", I would kill to have a family at ALL....even strangers are kinder. Your words are so hateful and bitter. Bitter people often have no clue that they are bitter. You don't want to acknowledge or participate then don't. Leave the rest of the people who enjoy it alone.
@wildbill83 And in the mall, well "precinct" here in the UK, we get the most depressing sound: The Salvation Army brass band playing half speed carols. Just to make sure we're all miserable.