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How do you handle hateful comments?

I’m trying to master the art of not caring, but it isn’t easy.
After everything’s said and done, I can reflect and realize that the opinions of random people on the internet mean nothing, especially considering they’re typically just trolls. But in the moment, it just gets to me. Is there a way to learn to how to brush things off easier? Probably easier said than done, I know. But I’d like to know if anyone has any effective coping skills if they’ve had such experiences.

If you’re interested to know the “inspiration” for this question...
I made a post on another site about how shallow people can be online, using my experience on Instagram. All I did was explain how many (random) people follow me, then unfollow if I don’t follow back or like everything they post. As if my “friendship” is worthless if they’re not getting anything out of it (the appearance of popularity). Some guy commented, saying my Instagram is “depressing af” because I post pictures of cats and an “anorexic girl” (which is me, evidently, though I don’t see the validity in that), and it’s understandable why everyone unfollows me (which was completely beside the point of my post). Another detail worth noting is that this came from a thirty-five year old man, and I’m a nineteen year old girl.
Now that I’m not engaging in the conversation, I see how stupid it is. Any middle aged man who wants to criticize and insult a teenager isn’t worth getting upset over. But in the moment, I was pretty upset. Racing heart, shaking hands kind of upset.
So, with that in mind (if you cared to read, it’s fine if you didn’t - it was nice just to vent), is there a way to handle situations like this better?
Thank you to anyone who read this and to anyone who wants to share their advice. I really do appreciate it, and it’s times like this that I see the beauty in this site. I have yet to find a better platform for venting frustrations and feeling a little less alone in the world.
jackson55 · M
Just ignore em. People can be real jerks on the net.
jackson55 · M
@AkAtSUki It's true. Most would be scared to death to say some of the things they say here verses someone face to face.
It's fantasyland here so one must expect some idiots.
KatieKatze · 22-25, F
I know the expectations, but it still manages to hit me. Like once winter starts and it’s twenty degrees out.. I know it happens every year, and I’ve even dealt with colder winters, but I’ll still complain about the weather lol.
jackson55 · M
@KatieKatze YesI know. Sometimes you get more satisfaction reading a book. It's nice to talk to people on the net if they are not jerks.
I just can't explaim how I don't care. After a certain point, people can say what they want and I learned that I don't have to believe them

I actually enjoy and get amused at people making fun of me or insulting me if it tends to be false or unreasonable 😂
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@SW-User So, you're saying, in this exclusive interview, right here and right now... that if you are roasted, you will flood the market with cereal?
@MarkPaul would I??? I WILL BRUH
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@SW-User 🎙️ Well, folks you heard it here with our exclusive interview with EatingCereal. He will be flooding the market with cereal at noon on Monday. Life, as we know it, will never be the same.

Tune in tomorrow when we interview a person who has been collecting commemorative cereal spoons for the last 25 years. You won't want to miss it.

EatingCereal... you are always welcome here. Come back when you want to tell us about your new cereal plans. 👨‍🏫
Here I just block them. And feel pity for them. Sometimes may argue with them and see how foolish they are.
Not to toot my own horn, but I've taught myself how to control my emotions through the most aggressive individuals. I don't believe there is necessarily steps that should be taken to stop these things from bothering you, but rather practice having a different state of mind. And it's a simple concept, but difficult to wrap the head around in the beginning.

All you have to do is come to terms with the fact that regardless of how mean or inconsiderate other people are to you, they have reasons for their actions. Think of it this way... every human being on Earth makes decisions based on what they feel is most logical. No one ever says "This is stupid in every way imaginable, but I'm gonna do it anyways". Something in our minds gives us reason to do what we do. With that said, when someone is mean to you, they believe they can justify their actions with their reasoning. Whether or not their logic justifies it or not, doesn't matter. What matters is that they believe they are justified in their actions. This is why people generally do bad things, after all, because they believe something justifies their horrible actions. Have you ever wanted to do something bad and believed yourself to have justified the action? Maybe punching a bully for them having bullied someone else, for example.

And so, it's important to recognize that they're making the best decisions they can, whether or not they're good decisions or mean decisions, just as you make the best decisions you can and it may not always be a good decision. All of our decisions will give us all different reactions, but one thing will always stay consistent: we will all always make the best decision we believe we can make. And in that regard, we are all the same. And in that regard, the dick who left you that mean sentence in your Instagram is the same as you.

I hope this helps :)
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Primnproper · 56-60, F
I have confidence in who I am and what I stand for..those that don't know me and choose to insult, I can honestly say it doesn't even cause a flicker on my care meter..I stay respectful, I don't swear and I don't lose my cool, so I'm good with who I am.
KatieKatze · 22-25, F
I respect that - highly. And I hope I can get to that point some time in life. I’ll admit, self confidence isn’t something I have a good grasp on just yet.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@KatieKatze I've been hurt a lot so that confidence is now my shield, my self preservation.
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
The longer I am online the less it matters. Sometimes I get blocked here z(sho k and gasps) I wonder what I habmve said and wish I could apologize. But you just have to move on

Concentrate on the people that like you

And count me as one of them
KatieKatze · 22-25, F
Thank you. I have a bad habit of disregarding the good to focus on the bad. I could get ninety-nine compliments in a day, and yet one insult will ruin my mood. It’s something I need to work on, and taking time to sort through and vent frustrations really does help.
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
@KatieKatze well whoever insulted you is a big one doodoo head )
AkAtSUki · F
Ask yourself this... Do I rely on them for survival needs? No.
Do they have my best interest at heart? No.
Do I even know these people? Hexk no.
Just block them. Block button makes life a lot easier. You don't need to deal with all that unnecessary drama.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
I generally just ignore them.
On occasion, depending on my mood, I will waste a little time just to fuck with them. Just for fun.

But most days I don't have the patience, nor the crayons, to explain myself further to them. 😊
purplepen · 51-55, F
Deleting and blocking tends to wipe out the negativity better than engaging with it.
Usually when I'm in a heart-pounding, hand-shaking mode, I try to take a step back and realize that it is the Internet, the person attacking me doesn't know anything about me, which automatically makes them ignorant and incorrect about most things, I have control over the situation - kinda like dueling imaginations - and eventually all I need to do is ignore the snot out of the person and they'll give up.
johnnnnnn · 61-69, M
Don't let it bother you. Some people are just trying to get you angry
I got better at handling it, but you just have to block certain people here/online. If you wouldn't talk to them in real life then don't allow those people to talk to you here either.
It's not your fault some people are beneath caring about how their negativity effects people.
I don’t handle them well :/
Yeah, please don’t let it get you down. The anonymity allows some people to forget that they are interacting with real live human beings and they say things they wouldn’t dare if they were facing you.
KatieKatze · 22-25, F
Thank you. Maybe it’s my way of thinking that allows hate to get the best of me. I don’t typically disassociate people online from people offline. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it makes comments more personal. Comments like yours have actual meaning because I know there’s a human being - just like me - behind some screen somewhere. I’ll probably remember your comment, along with others here, to some degree for a while because of that. And at the same time, it makes hate all the more painful.
let the hate flow through you
Blocking. I wouldn't be able to take it here otherwise. And if I tried to, no one else could take it

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