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Lackwittyname · 51-55, M
Maybe sublet to other people, talk to the landlord that you want to do that and then maybe they can extend the lease after this one is up. Otherwise just pay the two months and get out early.
Ynotisay · M
Depends on whose name is on the lease. If it's under your name, and your landlord is cool, he or she might let you transfer the remaining months over to your roommate. If not, then you're pretty much locked in.
If it's your roommates name on the lease you can just go unless you have some type of written agreement.
If it's your roommates name on the lease you can just go unless you have some type of written agreement.
ask for a settlement. it's usually just a percentage of what the lease is worth, because they can then re-rent the property immediately. in other words, the lessor can make money on the deal.
Carrotbees2 · 31-35, M
Look at the lease and see what the penalty is for leaving early. Might cost a few months rent, but there is usually a way out.
Goralski · 51-55, M
Burn d building down