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What do you do when you have a trusting nature but you've been burned before but you soooooo wanna trust again?

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Been there before, being there at this moment. I will likely forget about some of it, being a bit more skeptical and cautious/private around my own person, but interacting with strangers again, eventually.
Being aware is first part of it.
Nat15 · F
@SapphicHeart I know 🤗
@Nat15 🤗
LyricalOne · F
There are no magic answers. About all you can do is be smart, be aware, be alert and be cautious.
Nat15 · F
@LyricalOne no...if you take the chance on possibilities often enough, you're gonna roll craps a few times :P
LyricalOne · F
@Nat15 But you’re also gonna win a few times and if you’re smart, you’ll know when to get up and walk away from the table with your winnings.
Nat15 · F
@LyricalOne true 🤗
Odette · 31-35, F
Nat, have fun with SW.
Appreciate people's humor and intelligence.
As for me, I'm not here for anything more.
If you're looking for more than platonic relationships, proceed with caution.
Your heart might get broken, but you might find whatever you're looking for.
You're a smart cookie, you'll figure it out.
Nat15 · F
@Odette Thanks. I'm doing my best. 🤗
Okay, 2 things:

Not everyone deserves your trust, first, a person has to give you a reason to trust them before you do, whatever happens next.. whether they misuse that trust or not, you're not to blame, it's just life.. and life hurts sometimes.

Another thing is that trust is like a wild horse, you take it in, put a saddle on it and tame it, but it still runs and it still carries you places. This is how your trust grows, by disciplining it, and that takes time.

Just always remember this; you don't have to shoulder the weight of it alone, the other person has to contribute, too, in making it easier for you to trust them.. by giving you a reason to. :)
I proceed cautiously, as in I don't open up too quickly to them or let them in too fast. Sometimes it drives them away 🤷🏻
RainbowSprinkles · 26-30, F
I've trusted twice.
Nat15 · F
@RainbowSprinkles both but now I'm talking about here at SW.
RainbowSprinkles · 26-30, F
Live your life off here.Put your heart and soul in those you can touch and see. @Nat15
Nat15 · F
@RainbowSprinkles That's good advice.
My track record is bad with this. Perhaps someone else.
@JustGoneNow Yup. So You are one too.
@SW-User 🤗
🤔 Trust anyways, get burned, proceed with caution, give second chances to those that want to change (if you want to), love hard, enjoy the little moments, get burned again but you can't regret what it feels like to be human! :)

Better than the alternative...
Nat15 · F
@SW-User You are awesome. I probably don't tell you that enough 🤗
@Nat15 And you, miss, need to believe in how amazing you are! :) I know I don't tell you that enough. 🤗
Nat15 · F
@SW-User Thank you 🤗
summersun · 36-40, F
I've beem lied to and cheated several times but it did not stop me from trusting others. They did teach me a lesson though, to at least look before I jump.
Well it depends, if you are talking about someone that burned your trust before... I'd be extra wary and well wouldn't really trust again. I mean people are just what they are. For good or bad.
And with new people... that's different, you can take your time to know them, and well if you feel like you want to trust in them do it. They may surprise you being trustworthy people... or not. The only way to know it is finding out...
JayneA · 41-45, F
Be you and be proud of being you. There are lots of idiots around but it doesn't mean everyone is bad. If you shut everyone out you could miss out on what is right for you. Sometimes you have to take the chance otherwise you may regret forever
Nat15 · F
@JayneA I know....I KNOW! It's still hard tho. But thank you :) 🤗
OzDiver · 61-69, M
For me, I went in with my eyes open, and my heart closed. 😔
sigh. Okay , here we go again
Nat15 · F
@SW-User That's how it feels isn't it? It sucks. :(
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
I’d like to know myself.
valhalla · M
Once bitten, twice shy.
Nat15 · F
@valhalla Yeah... Just yeah :/
BabyLonia · F
I'm a terrible judge of character. I have proven this time and time again.
Nat15 · F
@BabyLonia Me too :( *hug*
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
fortunately you don't have a trusting nature
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Make them sign the T&C. They cannot spend an unecessary amount of time beating round the bush before telling me to fuck off.

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