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so interesting. Is Hillary in trouble finally
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Not really. Nothing said that the GOP didn't imply before. Them saying it again doesn't make it any more true. Just that they're desperate not to let Mueller finish his investigation of Trump.
@bijouxbroussard lol, if you write something down, it becomes fact. Don't you know that? Lol (sarcasm)
WoodyAq · M
The Republicans memo tells us what we already knew:

Republicans are obsessed with Hiliary and there were Russian agents in the Trump campaign.
WoodyAq · M
@TexChik Try to follow me here: innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard we use to deprive people of liberty or life.

It isn't the standard we should use to make someone president.
TexChik · F
@WoodyAq a false narrative paid for by Hillary is not evidence , it’s hearsay and in this case a felony
WoodyAq · M
@TexChik So the Republicans in the House claim. The first installments were paid for by Republicans, by the way.

But they leave out all the other evidence ... so that is the false narrative.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
It's a distractionary tactic trying to undermine Muller's investigation.

Might be some questions the Republicans need to answer themselves as to how they came by this 'mysterious' document and whether they misappropriated national security in either obtaining it or disclosing it.
Pherick · 41-45, M
How is that?
Blondgrl2004 · 31-35, F
read the memo
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
@Blondgrl2004 memos aren't legal evidence. get the original documentation and relevant tangibles.

memo shmemo.. it's junk more $$$$ WA$TE!
Pherick · 41-45, M
@Blondgrl2004 I did ... nothing.
wunderluv · 51-55, M
I'm gonna say is authoritatively and based that it will take a while for the American to comprehend even a small fraction of Hillary's very destructive criminal career.. Understand that she is first and foremost a luceferian criminal and that her so called political was coldly to advance her primary criminal.. People need to do honest and diligent research all in the public domain on the MANY scandles that trace in one way or another to The Clinton Foundation or "Clinton Foundation Initiatives".. I think it will take several more months for the public to see her protection mob - and runs DEEP-to be dismantled and accept that it's with very solid cause and the coup de grace HRC WILL BE TRIED AND. VERY DESERVEDLY BE EXECUTED for treason and so many crimes against us all that well itself too many crimes to list and if you knew you would and sit in a catatonic stupor for days trying to wrap your head around it all.. With what lil ole me knows based on many peoples research I feel like I could bring a full case to trial against her leading to her end.. NO MERCY AT ALL!
Gusman · 61-69, M
@wunderluv Trouble is, a large percentage of the public are too idiotic to see the truth when it is staring them in the face.
HRC could be found guilty on all counts and many, many people would scream, "Injustice".
Plus the apathy of the public is pathetic. Too many simply let "The Elite" and White Collar Criminals go about their skullduggery and do and say nothing.
This is why society has degraded beyond repair.
wunderluv · 51-55, M
Sigh.. Sadly I agree with you've said but HRC and her cohorts are such incredibly dangerous people that she and WILL (mark my words - it's a promise) be tried by military tribunal and she will be put to death.. Personally I would order a firing squad to start at her toes and fire 10 rounds in each leg per day wrap and bind them and start again bright and early every morning well, you can tell what I have in mind and YES it's gruesome but I tell you very truly that that witch deserves NOTHING AT ALL LESS in fact justice would indicate that I be at least twice as brutal and yes I realize that I am stating this for all the world to see and I stand by this judgement.. Let THAT and all of it's weight and implications sink in
@wunderluv A "luciferian criminal"? lol lol lol lol lol And 37 years of public service......with every Republican administration in between 37 years ago and now----investigating Hillary NON-STOP to find something---ANYTHING on her--and all they have to show for that is ZERO. That's truly odd, isn't it?

Not one traffic 37 years. The CIA...the NSA...the FBI...all are headed by Republicans. (look it up) People who would just die to find SOMETHING on her they could prove and yet NONE of them have anything. lol lol lol Truly, truly amazing, huh? ;-) The Senate and the House were Republican controlled a total of 14 years from 37 years ago to now---and trust me brother they never stopped investigating the Clintons. ZERO charges--ZERO indictments---ZERO trials. The arch criminal of the universe......the reason milk spoils and ships sink in rough seas........and yet not one Republican has found even a parking ticket on Hillary. That's pretty laughable when you look at it, isn't it? ;-)

So that leaves us two choices, don't it? Either people like you have been pumped full of soooooo much shit about what a criminal she is that your eyes are brown---by radical ultra right wing spinners---AND it's 100% lies and she is COMPLETELY innocent of ANY crimes at all.......OR.........Republican investigators for the last 37 years are the stupidest, most inept investigators to ever walk the face of the earth.

Which do you think it is? Nothing to find--or every Republican investigator for 37 years is too stupid to find his own shoes?? Has to be one of those two choices, don't it? ;-) ;-)
TexChik · F
[image/video deleted]
Blondgrl2004 · 31-35, F
lol she may now
xSharp · 31-35, M
@Blondgrl2004 shes already a walking corpse lol
katielass · F
Well, the Inspector General who has been testifying behind closed doors supposedly has proof of her abusing her position as sos. Jeez, that must be why the dems are trying everything they can to discredit him. But it ain'
t working.
Motosh72 · 51-55, M
@katielass yeah, but you’re doing everything YOU can to discredit YOURSELF!!!
Not yet. lol lol lol But with 36 arrests, indictments, guilty pleas and people placed in prison--SO FAR---guess who is?
katielass · F
@HoraceGreenley Is she finally agreeing that she's a pos?
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Motosh72 · 51-55, M
Trump is a troll, and is in a death spiral. He will soon understand how JFK Jr. felt, but unlike JFK Jr., he brought about his own demise.
Motosh72 · 51-55, M
@katielass You obviously missed the point, entirely. Typical hater....
katielass · F
@Motosh72 You didn't make a point bozo. Just jiberish that doesn't relate to the subject. Poor you, you're so out of touch with reality. Don't handle a gun.
Motosh72 · 51-55, M
@katielass Wow, which one of us is out of touch with reality? Typical trump lover - if you don’t like what someone says, hurl insults at them...

none of the ruling class families in this country are really in any trouble at all.
Money and power make clinton and trump both, above the law
katielass · F
This is the least of her guilt. No, she's only guilty of paying for dirt on a political opponent during a campaign. Not a crime.
katielass · F
@Blondgrl2004 There are new investigations into her email scandal, the uranium thing, the clinton foundation and little known, something about abuse of power relating to something in Bangladeshwhen she was sos. But look, if anyone ever deserved to be in prison she does but it just isn't going to happen.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@Blondgrl2004 And WHY she is not in jail?
Because Trump has broken one of his many promises he made during the election. He promised to put her in jail but finally he did not...
katielass · F
@Blondgrl2004 Yes, we all know she had the private server to skirt the law and keep total control of her communications. And we know why she did it, to hide her crimes.
ninjavu · 51-55, M
As a non-American, I just love this spectator sport! :)
No... she's not. Too many people covering for her.
xinbaba · 61-69, M
that slippery eel? no she will never be held accountable
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
She's in India blaming white women for listening to their husbands, bosses, sons and other men and not voting for her.

Wait...just a dog gone minute! Sounds pretty sexist to me!
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
let it go... stop agree the republicans can filter our tax dollars to the jail hillary campaign which is really.... republicans filtering money for the whores of the GOParty.

we can't afford this any more stop it learn how this crap works!
Blondgrl2004 · 31-35, F
your so right, let it go not that the truth comes out and we find Hillary is behind all of it, yes let it go lol I just love Liberals, NOT
xSharp · 31-35, M
@Blondgrl2004 the man makes a good point. everyone already knows hillary is a criminal, if they are asking for money to prosecute then that alone smells-a-fish..

there is years worth of psychology worked into political propaganda.
Motosh72 · 51-55, M
Shut the fuck up and go blow YOUR commander in chief.....!!!!

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