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What would you do if a neighborhood kid lobbed a rock at your home with a sling-shot?

I've told this kid numerous times to stay away from my home and property and stop harassing the boy I'm raising. He lobbed a rock at my house on Sunday and hit it. Yesterday he had a long stick and was after something in the tree in my house. Had gotten fed up and went out and told him to leave and never come back to my yard. His excuse was that the boy was staring out at him through his bedroom window (our home, our window, he has a right to watch out the window). Told him next time I'd call the police and let them talk to his mother.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
In Florida the call that throwing or shooting missiles now ,and it can be a felony .
I thought they were kidding me when I was told a kid I know was locked up for discharge of a deadly missile from a motor vehicle and he was being charged as an adult ,
He was a little guy and some bigger kids beat him up ,so he got a teen with a truck to drive by the guys house and he threw rocks at them ,,poor fellow can't catch a break ,as far as I know he is still in a youth offender facility

In Florida, Shooting or Throwing a ‘Deadly Missile’ is the projection of a dangerous object at a building, vehicle, or vessel, with wanton or malicious intent. The offense carries felony penalties that often include jail or prison.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@rckt148 Sounds like over doing it but seriously this kid could blind someone very easily with a sling shot or BB gun, and he could also do a lot of property damage. The police probably will take it seriously because we've had vandals on the other side of the city who'll go out at night and bust out windows on dozens of cars and homes in a single night, or run over dozens of mailboxes in rural areas. The ones who were shooting out windows got caught after shooting homeless people with paint guns, the police got photos from various residential security cams and started posting pictures on TV and in the newspapers.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Haaaa ..... a lifetime ago when we rented a home in Queens for the summer we should have asked questions about why there were what looked like old raw-egg splashes on the house. It only took our first day and night to learn that the kids in the neighborhood had targeted the house and its owner and now us. It only took a call to the kids' moms to tell them "Hey, we're nice people. What's with the crank phone calls, rocks and eggs?" Within a couple of hours one of the mom's was at the door with fresh baked pastries and an apology for her son's behavior. The rest of the summer was great. They were all wonderful neighbors and the kids even addressed us as "Mr." and "Mrs.".
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Heartlander I don't expect anything like that from the mother of this child. The house and yard was in nice shape when they bought it and it looks all trashed out now. People living here in this neighborhood are basically decent and peaceful, not one person has called to report the way they were letting the yard overgrow (mowing one small strip at a time) but it'll be different next summer if they are still here. And the lady living across the street has gotten lawn ornaments and flower pots picked and stolen from her and she's not replacing thinking the kid is behind that too since he's bored all the time and wandering around. I'm going to look for a wildlife camera and put it up in my yard.
sogdianrock · 61-69, M
hi cherokeepatti
Good for you raising the boy.
Tell neighbourhood kid that it takes a village to raise a child and ask for his help in raising the boy. Say the same to the boy about raising the kid.
Best wishes
sogdianrock · 61-69, M
hi cherokeepatti
There is greater security in boundaries and structure. The kid sounds like he is panicking.
Best wishes
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@sogdianrock He needs some kind of family life, grand-parents, aunts, uncles, cousins. The way the family is living they may have alienated everyone if they do have family close. The yard looks nasty.
sogdianrock · 61-69, M
hi cherokeepatti
it sure sounds like he does.
Best wishes
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
If you know his parents, I would call them. If you don't, I would call the cops next time he stepped foot on my property.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Heartlander We don't have a dog. He's harassing the neighbor's cats that hang out here. I'm not crazy for the cats crapping in my flower beds but I won't do anything to hurt them...I feed birds and squirrels and if the kid is bothering them in my yard/tree that is not acceptable either.
HeavenBesideYou · 56-60, F
@Heartlander Thankfully I don't have a lot of young kids around anymore, and anyway, my dog is the sweetest thing on the planet. He is honestly the sweetest dog I have ever owned. But I hear what you are saying. Big hugs
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@HeavenBesideYou My grandpa lived in a small village and he had a Labrador retriever dog. They have the best reputation among all dogs for not biting and yet someone provoked him one time and threw a rock at him and he snapped her. He had to be quarantined and tied up on a chain for several weeks because of it. The girl who did it would come to my grandpa's house every day and pump water from his well because their well had no water in it.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SakuraShimeji The laws are different here. The parents should be the ones who discipline but these apparently don't care what he does as long as he's not bothering them. I think they'll care a bit if the police pay a visit. They are furnishing him the BB gun and slingshot so they can be held accountable for any damage or violence he does with them.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SakuraShimeji I keep hearing more and more from the neighbor children. One boy said he has seen this boy open the gate and get into our back yard...he has no respect for boundaries. Whatever he was doing back there wasn't good, prowling around maybe looking for something to steal. I suppose it's time I start parking my car in the garage so he doesn't know when I am at home and when I'm gone. Then I can catch him if he dares do it again. One neighbor living across from that kid has had things stolen out of her front yard.
Report him to the police.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@JustLikeGreta You know I'm thinking that people don't want to have to call the police, everyone is having problems with this kid but no one wants to rock the boat. When he used the BB gun on that little neighbor girl the police should have been called for that incident, I sure would have. He could blind someone using it. And the same with the slingshot, not to mention property damage. People see stuff but they don't call and it's time we did. The mother is negligent by not checking up on him and he runs around all evening at least till dark and sometimes in the summer it's after 10 and he's on the next street. My grandpa lived in a small rural village and my mom & dad moved there (real estate real cheap because of so many vacant old frame homes) father was the village bully but no one called in on him and he ended up kidnapping a teenage boy and beating (torturing him) for hours and maiming him before releasing him. The kid stumbled out onto the road and someone picked him up and took him to the hospital. The sheriff came out the next day while we were at school and told him the family wasn't going to press charges (they were scared to death I imagine, and moved as soon as they could to California)...and the sheriff told him if he didn't leave the state that they would file charges, and gave him 5 days to pack up and leave. Everyone in the village was scared of him, I remember walking down the sidewalk and seeing people peek through the curtains and then draw them shut really quickly and wondering why they did that.
better to rock the boat, when a dangerous bully is terrorizing everyone.

My shed was broken into yesterday. But since I have no idea what was in it, it was junk from Mr. Ohara. I am not bothering to call the police. But for a neighborhood bully I would.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@JustLikeGreta Even if it was junk it should be reported because it was a break-in. Like I said if the shed got broken into there's a gas can in there and that kid could do a lot of damage with that one item alone. I don't trust this kid one bit and am now wondering about things since he's been in the back yard, not missing anything but wondering what exactly he is doing back there.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Someone's ending up on a milk carton
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Jackaloftheazuresand I'm thinking one day he'll get taken by a pedophile because he doesn't stay at home or in his own yard, always wandering around looking for attention.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
That got darker than I expected but yeah he just might
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Jackaloftheazuresand Well someone who is desperate for attention and doesn't want to be alone and who's mother doesn't care where he's at long as he's out of her hair is ripe for the picking if you know what I mean.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Sounds like a police matter
Invite him in for a cup of tea and lace it with chilli and vindaloo and laxatives. Would he really admit that accident to anyone.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Gingerbreadspice not going to happen but anyway...
SummerDream · 31-35, F
buy an even bigger slingshot yourself
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SummerDream not going to happen.

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