Serenitree · F
I suppose it depends on how they treat him. If they are loving and kind, then he must be a very insecure person. If they don't like him and they make it clear in the way they treat him, I don't blame him. It also depends the wife's attitude after a visit with them..

@Serenitree .. Amen. My in-laws still treat my (very spoiled only child) wife like she's living at home, trying to insert themselves in our decision making and lives in inappropriate ways and she allows it. I don't stop my wife from visiting .. but I dont like it and what I have to deal with afterwards. They need a life of their own rather than trying to run ours from 3 states away.
Serenitree · F
@SW-User 👍🏻
In laws from hell. My daughter had some. It was bad enough when sh was still married, but the things we've learned since the divorce is enough to curl anybodies hair......and they called her a low class slut.
Not going to give the whole story, but to demonstrate, at the wedding reception, someone said not to do the first cut on cake between their names or it would break up the marriage.
His mother said "oh no! That's my job!" And she took her job very seriously.
In laws from hell. My daughter had some. It was bad enough when sh was still married, but the things we've learned since the divorce is enough to curl anybodies hair......and they called her a low class slut.
Not going to give the whole story, but to demonstrate, at the wedding reception, someone said not to do the first cut on cake between their names or it would break up the marriage.
His mother said "oh no! That's my job!" And she took her job very seriously.

@Serenitree .. It's like you know my in-laws already.
They ran W's life until we got married .. I was a bit older, so them running mine too wasn't gonna fly. After showing up unannounced to go house hunting to "help us" pick a house and hearing about how much they planned to "help us" once in it, I knew I had a problem. It didnt go over well when I said we would do fine on our own and didn't require any help from them, financial or otherwise. We've not had any since, no matter what was offered. They didn't do well at hiding the strings attached to their "help".
They ran W's life until we got married .. I was a bit older, so them running mine too wasn't gonna fly. After showing up unannounced to go house hunting to "help us" pick a house and hearing about how much they planned to "help us" once in it, I knew I had a problem. It didnt go over well when I said we would do fine on our own and didn't require any help from them, financial or otherwise. We've not had any since, no matter what was offered. They didn't do well at hiding the strings attached to their "help".

Depends on the reason .. if her parents are meddling /interfering and the wife doesn't address the behavior.. its rather understandable
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Makes me think he is protecting her from something. It makes me wonder if her parents are not good for her or any kids they may have.
firefall · 61-69, M
Big red flat, sign of a real controlling person (absent info on the parents that might explain the attitude)
Warning Bells!! Something isn't right.

weird. he could enjoy some alone quality time with ps4

Not a good sign
I do not think anything. Of him or her. As I know no one like that. But even so, marital issues between them are their own business and no one else's.
bijouxbroussard · F
Depends on the circumstances. If she has a good relationship with them, perhaps he's jealous and wants to isolate her.
On the other hand, if she doesn't and consistently comes back from visits sad or depressed, perhaps he wants her spared that.
Only he would know.
On the other hand, if she doesn't and consistently comes back from visits sad or depressed, perhaps he wants her spared that.
Only he would know.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Red flag of a control freak and abuser. He is thinking she is talking about their relationship and they will tell her to leave.
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
Potential abuser🤔

MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
TexChik · F
Paranoid or a control freak
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
Control freak.
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
He's an asshole.