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I just got this big hot meal and it only cost me $2.07

I found out last yesterday I had over $5000 in my bank account, and so I treated myself to Denny's: got their T Bone steak:

Then I decided to drive to Harbor Freight in the morning and get a Jackery to double my electric supply. Turns out they don't sells them anymore, not does Home Depot, Lowe's, or Tractor Supply.

So I have up defeated after driving 30 miles and went to Panera's Bread, a d decided one more expe sive meal and that's it. I'm a Sips Club member so I get unlimited drinks for $15 bucks a month, plus electrical access and centralized heating. That's a really great deal for someone living in a van.

I ordered the Italiano, and they offered me a pasty half off, and I said a brownie. Then they said I had one free entree, and so got the Italiano free. Whole meal only cost me $2.07.

I also got a 20F sleeping bag last night. It isn't remotely stealth, bright neon yellow. But it's for a 6'5 guy so should better fit me. The 10 one was just 6'1 and I wa ted the wiggle room. I can throw all my blankets on it.

Really is a shame I can't find a jackery for sale. My mailbox ends tomorrow and after my book vanished when "delivered" I don't trust them now. I have the option for a Amazon Drop Box but not sure if they can fit a Jackery.
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HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Eco flow is better. Jackery isn't a reputable company. I remember a YouTube guy did a review of all their pros and cons. They tried to buy him off right away.
4meAndyou · F
Goal Zero Yeti 700 does the same thing and is more reliable than the Jackery.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
They have small diesel fueled heaters that vanlife people use. Have you checked into one of those?
@Musicman I'm going without heat this winter. I have checked into them but want to keep up a money reserve incase the van gets totalled and I gotta emergency buy something else, or I lose my job.
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
@Dignaga God bless you 🙏🙏🙏

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