Where's a place you would like to see in your lifetime?I want to see the northern lights so Alaska or Norway (2)
When Was the Last New Year's EveYou spent at John Olinger's swingin' bachelor pad in Falakata? Asking for a friend.
The inner lamination inside my windshield fogs upI got a tow notice tkday while at work because my van didn't have my parking pass displayed, despite it being displayed. Fog is forming inside the windshield- not the inside, not the outside- INSIDE the glass material where it can't be cleaned off.... See More » (1)
Got horribly sick suddenly yesterdayI woke up for work normal, laid in bed for a hour, felt quite warm. Had my face uncovered the whole night, but a blankey over the top of my head like a cap. As soon as I sat up, my body froze and I started the movements for vomiting. I started a... See More » (3)