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Do we live forever (in our own specific universes)?

AliPhD · 41-45, F
From my perspective and understanding in which I have experience many near death experiences, where in I actually died and woke up in another reality as if nothing had happened and life has continued on. However, my perspective is quite deep. I have been experiencing phenomenon like this all my life, where in one universe would end with the accumulation of the aurora borealis, appearing over my head , My last mirror, death experience that I am aware of resulted from double bronchial pneumonia, congestive heart failure, resulting in massive, cardiac arrest, and respiratory failure. I recall everything going white, and I could hear my heartbeat and respiration outside of my body, I had placed a piece of gum in my mouth, and I was rolling the rapper between my thumb and index finger and telling the individual that I was speaking to that I was going to throw it in the garbage I got up from the couch and walked About 14 feet down the hallway opened my front door and unlocked the screen door turned to place the wrap in the garbage and that is where I fell. I was told that my body was located in the living room next to the couch where I had stood. After the point of falling, I do not remember anything until the point of being in the blackness of an abyss , I was shocked, and I fell back into my body, and I open my eyes for a brief second and looked into the eyes. The individual who became my husband. I faded back out to the blackness at some point in time the room filled with white light and I woke to an androgynous individual who was pulling up a folding wooden chair next to my hospital bed, The individual sat with a clipboard in hand and spoke to meet with respect to the events that had led up to And if I had understanding of what happened, I told the individual I did. The individual commented how fortunate I was and asked me what I would like to do since it was my first day back to university. I stated I would like to return to university. The individual place a single check on the clipboard, and then I nodded back out. I woke to the sound of bells and whistles going off. To discover I was in the ICU intubated and with lines, inserted into my groin up into my heart my hands were strapped down to the bed. I would not have been able to physically set up and engage in the conversation I had with the individual and when I asked later, who the individual was, they had no knowledge of anyone coming to visit me. When I returns to classes I discovered the individual whose eyes I had seen looking down upon me sitting in my seat the individual who later became my husband. I am very well aware that the reality I woke up into was not the same as the one that I had died in as the educational institute I was attending had a bell and clock tower, which it did not have the week prior. And there were other differences as well. The other things were the introduction of the smart phone, which we now know to exist. Prior to that event, I had received an educational assessment to obtain academic accommodations. I had told the guidance counsellor what I needed and jokingly laughed as I said, all contained in a handheld device. In the new reality, they now had smart phone technology. And this is the time that individuals had begun experiencing what is now called the Mandela effect. I have experienced every Mandela effect in the reality I came from Nelson Mandela died in prison, attempting to free Africa in a Apartheid. The peanut butter now known as JIF was called Jiffy, and the fruit of the loom logo contained a cornucopia. This is not a figment of an overactive imagination. This is based on my genuine live experience. Following the recent eclipse, I began cycling through alternate realities, camera, and things to my smart phone technology. I am able to actually capture these events so I know that they’re not a figment of an overactive imagination or the result of, mental illness, resulting in psychosis and hallucinations. They are based on my genuine live experience. Therefore, based upon my own personally lived experience, and the knowledge contained there in, I can stay with 100% certainty that there are alternate realities and when you die in one reality, you don’t have a knowledge of it your life continues on in the next reality, the purpose of which is to obtain knowledge and evolve the soul l.

My first near death experience, which I now understand to have occurred resulted when I gave birth to my first child which resulted in my uterus being ripped in half I had 365 stitches to put it nicely from Uranus clear around to Venus haemorrhage to death at the point, the doctor had reached inside of my uterus to clamp the artery I had lost consciousness, and I fell through the sands and landed into a desert. I spent three days and nights underneath the hot blazing sun, which did not set walking up what I believe to be sand dunes, there were no family friends or loved one present. There was no tunnel of white light . When I reach the Apex of the third Sandune, a much larger one I was greeted by a reflection of myself in the sun. I shook my hand for a job well done, and I turned myself one quarter clockwise to discover I was a top of the great pyramid in Giza, I took three pieces and I fell through the sand as in an hourglass. I dreamt. I was sitting in a chair and I had a hand that was attempting to push a silver spoon onto me. I use my right hand to push the silver spoon aside I woke up to a nursing attendant sitting at my bedside attempting to feed me out of what looked like a large brown paper happy meal box. Now, looking back, I understand that I was in an alternate reality as people I never knew prior to that point had appeared in my life, as if they had always been there. They were friends of the family. In my prior near death experiences where I had had an aurora borealis occur over my head the book that ran next to my home, turned green for no apparent reason. I have many more experiences than those mentioned here in Wearing in each time I have died in one reality I have woke up in a new reality as if nothing had occur. Prior to my death in 2009, I had had three pregnancies after the third. I had my tubes cut tied burnt and clamped. In 2014 after having a CAT scan and other. Test run it was determined that I had never had pregnancies let alone had my tubes cut, tied burn and clamped the Doctor Who had delivered my second child and was responsible for my tubal ligation was contacted to confirm. Make of it what you will this is just based upon my experience. These experiences might be different for everyone based upon the evolution of their soul, my soul is extremely old. I have had many past lives, which I am now aware of as each time I have experienced a death in one life, my cellular memory of my past lives have been opened to my knowledge.
We definitely live forever. That's the way God made us. Our spirit never dies, though our body does. However, our body joins our spirit, in the resurrection.
brokensignal · 46-50, M
Check out near death experiences of ppl who die and come back. Some really fascinating stories… From what I gather from those stories the point of life is an educational experience. We are here for kindness and love period. How we treat people counts. Most of these people have life reviews where they experience everything from other people’s perspective… Like if you hurt someone , you get to see how they felt in that moment. But most of time the life review is loving and understanding…

Hell experiences are usually solved in the NDE if the person asks for God’s help. It seems sometimes people go through those as a way to help them switch direction.

Look up a podcast called - The Other Side NDE. Tons of stories there
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Universes or realities ?

There's a few alternative realities people think they're living in at the moment
Mmiker · 46-50, M
Where is your own specific universe
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Well! Nope! We die and thats it.. debt is gone to Miscellaneous
Azlotto · M
No One Lives Forever


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