What's the One Location You've Never Visited, But Want To?
For me, Soldier Field in Chicago, but it's apparently going away and i won't be able to get there before, and the Garden in Boston, which already went away....
@HellsBelle If you want to go go. There isn’t anything to see there anymore. They are just beaches. There are also some war memorials. Better to spend your time in Paris.
@Muthafukajones You said you couldn't understand the obesession with the Normandy beaches, I explained why I thought there was an obsession. Then you say, "if you want to go, go". Did you not even listen to what I said? I never said I wanted to go. Pay attention.
New Zealand for the scenery .. sadly I should have done it decades ago ..as I read somewhere that some of the cites have gone to the dogs now ... Would be the same for many countries I suppose.
After exchanging holiday holiday experiences on a fairly long flight a few months ago .
Cuba remains firmly on my list too . Along with Iceland for the Northern lights.
Every where else I've fortunate enough to tick off 🍓🙂
The Matrix of Liberty, The National Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth, Massachusetts. To this would be incredible. I am just so fascinated with the history behind it and what the pilgrim's went through to get here to Plymouth Rock. There is symbolism in every aspect of this magnificent statue. It's on my bucket list to see this before I die.
I can't really think of anywhere specific, I just like to visit places I haven't been to before; they don't have to be important or even interesting in any grand sense because almost everywhere turns out to be interesting when I get there. For instance the old and mostly forgotten seaside resort of Withernsea on the east coast of England doesn't look at all interesting on paper but I went just because I wanted to walk on a beach that day. When I got there I found some interesting things to photograph:
@SilkandLace2 Looked it up. I was right, it's called Withernsea Castle, was built in the 19th century and was the entrance to a pier that no longer exists. The pier was demolished in 1903.
They offer tours in August. Obviously, it costs money, and I can’t remember what I paid , but I took one and it was awesome. It really wasn’t that expensive .Maybe they’ll have one last tour.