msros · F
4meAndyou · F
IMO the best places to vacation are in North Carolina and West Virginia. The Appalachian mountains are incredibly beautiful. Because the area is so mountainous there are thousands of waterfalls ranging in size from tourist "Wow" falls at the side of the road, to tiny hidden gems you have to hike up to see.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@4meAndyou I’d love that, streams next to the road and waterfalls etc. & staying in a cabin.
4meAndyou · F
@cherokeepatti I did. I went down there with a friend and we stayed in his camper, but we were able to camp right next to a river near the top of a mountain. I hiked, by myself, up one of the trails and found an incredible place...a tiny waterfall with a pool at the bottom. It was so lovely it was like something from a fairy story.
Later, my friend actually hiked up there with me after I raved about it, and he caught two wild rainbow trout for our dinner in that pool. I hopped the little stream and climbed up on the rocks just above to watch him fish.
Later, my friend actually hiked up there with me after I raved about it, and he caught two wild rainbow trout for our dinner in that pool. I hopped the little stream and climbed up on the rocks just above to watch him fish.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@4meAndyou That’s my kind of vacation. Not just riding around taking photos but doing things like that.
TrashCat · M
New Hampshire, Vermont, & Massachusettes.
All three have everything a person needs to suvive
All three have everything a person needs to suvive
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Depends on what you want to see and do.
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@cherokeepatti I want to be by water, lake river stream ocean small town vibe nice down to earth people.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@BeeHiveState Gatlinburg but they had a fire sweep through a few years ago, Probably the trees and landscaping haven’t recovered from that yet
Echoing · 61-69, F
Colorado, The Great Rocky Mountains are one of a kind!
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Your own
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@MarineBob Utah?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@BeeHiveState have you visited all 45 of your State Parks?
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@MarineBob No but I've been a lot of places in Utah.
bowman81 · M
bijouxbroussard · F
@bowman81 😊

The warm states: Hawaii, California, Florida
Although I also like vacationing in the mountainous areas like Colorado and Washington. Lots of good vacation opportunities in this country.
Although I also like vacationing in the mountainous areas like Colorado and Washington. Lots of good vacation opportunities in this country.
Mamapolo2016 · F
What do you like? Casinos, mountains, museums, bars, the sea, animals, river rafting? It all depends on you, but with the exception of Mt. Everest, most things are here somewhere.
WithClouds · 36-40, M
For heat and relaxing, California. For history, education, and photo ops, Massachusetts.
aboveaverageaveragejoe · 51-55, M
@WithClouds California if you want to go home broke ;)
helenS · 36-40, F
All states in the US are beautiful and worth spending vacations there. Personally I would prefer Colorado, or Wyoming.
MarmeeMarch · M
Lets just say it this way - worst state to visit / live. And that would be Oregon.
TrashCat · M
@MarmeeMarch Why?
MarmeeMarch · M
@TrashCat The people are assholes - the state is ok but you have to deal with people too and that's the problem.
bijouxbroussard · F
California. National parks, mountains and beaches.
GerOttman · 61-69, M
gregloa · 61-69, M
muffinman · 61-69, M
right now? ever considered alaska?
muffinman · 61-69, M
right now? ever considered alaska?
aboveaverageaveragejoe · 51-55, M
Every state is different. It depends what you're really wanting to do. Travel? Sit by the pool? Sight seeing with in days driving? Do you want a sweltering sun tan or moderate heat? Is there any "must do" things such as battle sites, wine tasting, glitz & glamour? Would need to know more.
BeeHiveState · 56-60, F
@aboveaverageaveragejoe I want to rest and relax and enjoy water and people who are kind.
aboveaverageaveragejoe · 51-55, M
@BeeHiveState While the beach is nice, there's been a lot of this flesh eating bacteria so pick a place with a pool. Which could be pretty much any of the lower states. Some tend to be more expensive than others. I've been to California, New Mexico, Texas (obviously), Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma...and every has always been nice. Maybe somewhere with a big lake if you want to hire a boat for water activities.