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“An estimated 65,000 pregnancies have resulted from Rape in the 14 US 🇺🇸 states with total bans on abortion”

America are you okay? Lol
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Wales · M
What an appalling state of affairs. The anti-abortion extremists have had their way and criminalized a medical procedure which has put women in peril. It's not the concern of the United States government, the politicians, or the police how a woman responds to the horror of an unplanned pregnancy. What a slap in the face to the Roe v. Wade decision which should have settled this matter and put illegal abortion in the dark past of history.
missyann · 56-60
So it’s the life that was conceived through no fault of its own that deserves to be destroyed?

Why not at the very least say the rapist deserves the same punishment that you believe that that the second innocent victim deserves ?
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