Was I sa'd?Something that's just been on my mind lately. So my first experience was last year on December 26th during an event for the youths in my town. I didnt want to go but my father being my father, he forced me to go despite barely being awake due to... See More »
Why is Italy's deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini facing jail for stopping UN Muslim refugees from entering Italy?
Update on my friendSo they have had to call the police as they say she has been assaulted 😭 I feel awful right now because if I had been with her we would of gone home as I would of got us into a taxi when it was time to go home. Feel so bad for her right now and... See More »
I am sick to death from listening to horrible people claiming that a rapist must be understood because that means that he was raped too.SO WHAT? HE WAS RAPED! THAT MEANS HE SHOULD BE MORE SENSITIVE TO OTHER RAPE VICTIMS...NOT SOMEONE WHO WOULD TURN AROUND AND DO IT TO OTHERS BECAUSE IT HAPPENED TO HIM! If you are stabbed with a knife do you develop a compulsion to go around stabbing... See More »
Is it sexual assault?!I'm sorry I'll have to unload this on y'all but I really need an outsider's point of view (because it's so personal and grave and I can't share this with anyone at all!) Im 26, f, with good earning job and living with a good surrounding. But I have... See More »
I just want to get to a point where the sound of fireworks doesn't bring me back to that horrible place.