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There are many reasons why an assault victim may not report it immediately after it occurs

The assault could seem minor, i.e. "it's not r*pe, so it's not worth reporting". The victim could figure they wouldn't be believed if it's their word against another's. The victim could reason that reporting it might jeopardize their career or their reputation. Reporting it right when it happens is no guarantee that you'll be taken seriously either. Additionally, when one person reports it and their story gains notoriety, other past victims of the same perpetrator may be motivated to report their experience as well, even if it is long past when it happened.

None of this guarantees that their accounts are true. But it certainly doesn't mean they've lost credibility.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M

Seeking emergency medical care in the US after a sexual assault can incur hefty hospital bills that may deter assault reporting and compound victims' trauma, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

On average, hospital emergency departments charged $3,551 for urgent medical care coded as caused by sexual violence. People who were sexually assaulted while pregnant faced even steeper bills, with an average of $4,553. Uninsured victims or those who chose to pay themselves were served bills that averaged $3,673. Even those with private insurance faced burdensome bills; the study found that insured victims paid an average of 14 percent of their bills out of pocket, which for the average bill would work out to nearly $500.
Carissimi · F
In my opinion it does. There is no evidence after 15-years. Even if it happened, they left it too late because all you have is their accusation. Worse, they have ruined a man’s life with anonymous accusations from over a decade ago. It’s a political witch-hunt because they don’t like what he’s saying.

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