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Sexual assault

I was drunk once and in our town was a festival so there were a lot of people and it was midnight so I called a “friend” of mine to drive me home. We walked a bit so that I could sober up and got to a park nearby, then without saying anything he touched me from behind. I was wearing a skirt but still…then a few minutes later he did it again. I’m on vacation now and my uncle slapped me as a joke on the same spot where I’ve been touched. I’ve talked to a therapist but I still get very uncomfortable around men.
Any tips?
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I guess it depends where you're talking about, but if it's a place that obviously makes you uncomfortable then that's messed up.

I think you have to find people you can trust, you're not always gonna know who that is but you'll meet them. It's just one of those unfortunate things you have to consider.
Reina64 · 18-21, F
You mean where it happened? I have a few very close friends that I talked with but I tend to overshare so..
But thank you.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
@Reina64 I meant on body, but I get the jist of it 👍
Reina64 · 18-21, F
well he was behind me and touched the lower region.
TexChik · F
Stay away from men. Learn to say no. Learn to call the police and report a sexual assault. Take some self-defense classes and learn to kick some ass. Stop being a victim. You have to defend and take care of yourself actively. No one will do it for you.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Synyster · 51-55, M
Unfortunately this may not be the last time. You’re young, learn to defend yourself. Take some martial arts classes or even better kickboxing.
The law may not always save you but punishment will.
Reina64 · 18-21, F
Yeah, thank you
How about a slap across their face
Reina64 · 18-21, F
I was drunk but if I were sober I definitely would’ve
Take care @Reina64 👍
Reina64 · 18-21, F
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Ask your aunt about it
Reina64 · 18-21, F
she’s strict so I rather not talk to her😅

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