I've had tonic clonic seizures - gran mal for most of my life from a head injury . Believe me i understand how terrifying they can be .Usually i have a couple of minutes warning before it's full blown my best advice is try to identify any triggers and if you feel one coming lie down.in an open area. The times i been physically hurt is from falling or banging into stuff or biting my tongue. What meds are you on ? I'm on tegretol it seems to be better than phenobarb and Dilantin . It's so scary when your brain.is in total rebellion.
Grateful4you · M
@kodiac Thank you for the very valuable suggestions. I've currently been on Metoprolo 10 mg. OD while the sz. activity has diminished fairly well, this mornings episodes (A series of 3) was the worst I've had this year. I was both screaming and talking to myself, I had visual hallucinations. While this could have triggered the Sz.activity in many people I tested negative for any benzo chemical in my backpack of prescribed meds. Too bad Xanax has such a negative reputation, that's when I was the
mod comfortable. Let's just go to Turkey and drink tea all day long.
I have heard of tegretol but never thought of it nor has he mentioned it. The real pay off is that before the seizures started I was plagued by an anxiety/panic disorder. As you are well aware, once you are on an over two week regimen of the Benzo's you become benzo tolerant
mod comfortable. Let's just go to Turkey and drink tea all day long.
I have heard of tegretol but never thought of it nor has he mentioned it. The real pay off is that before the seizures started I was plagued by an anxiety/panic disorder. As you are well aware, once you are on an over two week regimen of the Benzo's you become benzo tolerant
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Grateful4you For me since it's been happening for so long i have learned that the anxiety / panic attacks go hand in hand with my seizures. For me it starts with just feeling a little off ,knowing something just isn't quite right . My reaction is oh no not another one and the fear starts building slowly that fear turns into panic like oh god not again. If i could find a way to short circuit that cycle try to be grounded stop the panic. I think i might be able to stop the seizure. In my case i don't get visual effects ,i do get uncontrolled like grunts or blowing . I get metalic taste ,extreme temp rise the worst is the audio effects . Everything thing echos, if someone says hey i hear it over and over and each time it gets louder until it's so loud i just black out and go into the seizure. I'm sure they told you to avoid strobing lights ,extreme loud noises like sirens . It sucks for me because i can't get a drivers license Unless i can prove seizure free for at least a year
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Grateful4you · M
@SW-User Did they ever determine a root cause? so far, mine remain a mystery. Have you antecident behaviors such as known seizure "aura" or hallucinations? I've been having both, also the sense I am slipping into death.
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MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
Oh my sweet friend. I am so sorry. Sending you lots of ❤️
Grateful4you · M
@MeowsoliniReturns Thanks so much my love. this is the kind of thing SW was intended for, not a playground for adult bullies.
MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
@Grateful4you I completely agree. Love you David!
Grateful4you · M
I'm going to try and get in next week for a scan. I'm mostly concerned it could be a tumor. I tend to vascillate between an indifferent, fearless attitude about death, the 0ther sense of me is terrified I'm going to die.
@Grateful4you my brain rebels too just in a different way. Sucks.
Grateful4you · M
@JustGoneNow When you blend two misfits you end up with perfection.
@Grateful4you I like that. blessings.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Thank you for bc ,i had a doc explain what happens and he said our brain is kind of like an engine with a firing order and that is like 12345 , the order controls our reality . 12345 over and over .During a seizure the firing order gets scrambled so it might be 15243 or any combination the brain can't control itself and the seizures happen . I hope you find some relief because not only are they terrifying but really draining physically
bookerdana · M
Maybe you could get someone to look in or call?
originnone · 61-69, M
All my best, friend.....
I’m so sorry… but it is good to see you David. I was thinking about you recently.