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oct 11th 2023 was the last time i talked to my mom before she suddenly died a week later

i went over to do laundry and we talked on the phone while i was omw. i hope i told her i loved her on that call. she said she'd be in bed when i arrived which was sort of weird but i brushed it off because it was sort of late. so many times that night i thought to go up and check on her and i didnt.

in the show i was watching when i was doing laundry one of the protagonists characters mom died to an od. i thought to myself i need to check on my mom more and i didnt

i went on a trip the day after my laundry and i took so many pics i kept thinking i need to send to my mom and i didnt. i told myself id show her in person

my car got a flat and i called my mom and went straight to voicemail. which was weird but she missed calls all the time (not usually straight to voicemail) and i was like, she probably broke her charger. ill call again in the morning. my ex besties mom offered to drive me to check on her and i said she missed calls a lot. i wish i took that offer so much. when she didnt answer the next morning (my dads birthday) i asked my younger brother to check on her. i thought it was an issue with her phone. i didnt think hed go into her house and find her rotting body

she never wanted us to see her after she passed and i sent my brother to do exactly that. i failed everybody.

and i havwnt showered in days and i got out of bed to take care of myself ans now incant stop crying on the bathroom floor
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
Here if you need someone to talk to
I’m so sorry you’ve had to experience this
From this post and other times you’ve mentioned this it’s clearly rocked you to your absolute core
We always want to tell ourselves we could have done more or we could have done this or that and things would be different
You haven’t failed anyone, tragedies happen and you’re a victim of that
Your mother would be very proud of who you are
Big love and hugs to you🫂
Miram · 31-35, F
You're one of the sweetest people here, even though you're grieving and hurt.

Be good to yourself.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
I remember what its like

Last time I talked to my mom was August 9 1992 that's the day she died
SJones48 · 41-45, M
I’m here if you need to talk
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
Aw man..... Im so sorry.

iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am so sorry you lost your Mom. You did not fail anyone, please know that and give yourself some grace.

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