Serenitree · F
I wouldn't want to delete the memories. It would be for to easy to fall into the same traps as I did before.
Aidan · 26-30, F
True @Serenitree:
BethKCZ · 56-60, F
@Serenitree: Some things were "traps" or bad choices. Other things "just happened", and there was no way to foresee or avoid them.
Serenitree · F
@BethKCZ: true. But I made so many bad choices. Fell into so many self made pits.
Trenchycoat · 70-79, M
I have had some things, events I wished never happened, my first marriage comes to mind however I would not delete a thing. I believe all things are meant to be. Maybe not a perfect philosophy but it does make the bad times go away quicker.
Serenitree · F
@Trenchycoat I agree with you on not deleting anything, but for different reasons. Every regrettable thing I might delete would erase a part of my family. I don't regret having any one of them in my life. No, no deletions for me. No rewrights, and no reruns. Done is done.

Oh, I so wish I could go back in time and change things I've done or not done.
ddt333 · 56-60, M
Don't we all.
Autumn321 · 51-55, M
For sure it would be good to have delete but ton it would have saved us from many issues like depression and all
Autumn321 · 51-55, M
Hey wish for playlist like of video player
ncguy715 · 61-69
I agree on both accounts

Well put. If only, right?...
specialED1256 · 56-60, M
Very complicated eh
Aidan · 26-30, F
I'd just delete a whole lot and not re live anything
laotzu92 · M
When I have an intensely spectacular experience, i say to my self that i need to recall it when everything seems sucky.