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Yes shots fired

Telling women they’ll end up single Is not an insult anymore, because seeing the terrible state men have reached , being single is the smart choice .
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Miram · 31-35, F
Maybe the fact that people get together based on fear of aloness, in the first place, contributed to the state of things as they are today.

As a collective, why can't we evolve to see partnership as compassion and love based while also feeling whole? I think that's the key to a healthy giving dynamic. I have that and I wish everyone else does too.
As a male I feel being single is a better option
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Justafantasy In the current climate it is. Dating has been 'gamified' by online dating sites and 'transactionalised' by feminism.
Targeting humanity's protector, that is not intelligent

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