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Popular or Unpopular Opinion? Halloween Addition

In relating to exorcism or vampires, etc - I heard a comedian ask... What if possessed people never even heard of God and one day they were like, "damn why does this lowercase t burn so bad?"

And yes that's funny.

But got me thinking's because people believe in the symbol. We put power behind it. So it works.

Think of how many people around the globe put power in that lowercase t.

Story relating to the cross..

I once participated in a Ouija board game. Just me and one other. In the bathroom before the game I put on my cross necklace (ironically because I remember my sisters friend put on a cross necklace before THEY had done one years earlier so I thought it was good advice.)

As I clasped it, the necklace broke and the cross fell to the floor.

I really did think, "Not today satan", and put the cross in my pocket.

We played the game. Nothing happened.

The last question I asked was, "Are you here?" In reference to my deceased dad.


I made sure to move the shot glass, our improvised planchet, off the board because that's what some website said and it seemed smart. Closing the door completely, etc.

I got ready for bed and as I went to turn the living room light off...I noticed the shot glass was on the board.

I got closer and the shot glass was over the word, "Yes"

Immediately I asked the only other person in the room, They swore they didn't. I told them to please just tell me, that it was just so wrong.

They never confessed. And tbh I will never know the truth.

Now it is just a story to share.

edit: I forgot to ask the actual question. Do you believe in God? Ghosts? Ouija boards?

to add: I was 26.
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
I believe there are energies that we cannot yet measure with current tools, as we do not yet understand them.

Much like we would have never guessed video, picture, sound, etc could travel via waves in the air not too long ago.
Things like wifi signals, microwave, and others do exist even though they cannot be seen.

Ghosts? One form of energy. Cannot be seen, but in time we will be smart enough to recognize them as such and be able to measure and manipulate them.
deadteddy · 26-30, F
I do believe in God, and the main reason so far has been because of supernatural things I’ve seen as a kid. I’ve doubted my faith multiple times but then I always go back to those memories and it would be strange if I didn’t believe in God after seeing those things.
The presence/absence of a living god or devil cannot be conclusively demonstrated.
The only realm we know is the physical, we must first see in order to believe.

We lean on this to explain away the unseen, or the misunderstood as a product of the mind or figment of imagination.
It consoles, reassures; and at times of self examination, releases us from the guilt and shame that the lowercase t "torture device" and its doctrine would inflict.

There are fixed constants in life and the universe at large. Their full scope is unknown.
That do not change to adapt to our viewpoints. An appropriate definition of REALITY.
Variable though, is our perception of reality; which has no bearing on these fixed constants.

Wisdom dictates that the universe and its mysteries are larger than we'll ever know.
Dabbling in its dark unknown is foolhardy; if the only protection we carry is the strength of our convictions.
It is territory far beyond the child's bedroom, where nightlights keep bogeymen away, and there's nothing that doesn't exist in the light.
InHeaven · F
There is no way in hell some board with some letters has powers to call souls out of that world back into ours. Only demons respond as they are all over us , ready and available.
Many possessed people go straight to Heaven as their life (with demon inside) is already hell and tribulation, they don’t live they just exist being constantly tortured.
Well, obviously I believe in God. Seen ghosts in real life. Ouija board is fully demonic and those demons don’t leave after they are done answering “dead grandma” questions
I believe in paranormal but I can’t say it’s a ghost or god. There are things we just can’t explain yet. It could be your dad, some entity, or your friend fucking with you.
Bignakedguy · 31-35, M
Candy corn is not that bad
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
What you've described is one of the basics of magick, or energy work if you prefer. If you take an otherwise useless object, such as a crucifix, pentagram, or even a little smiley face badge, and then pour all your happy, positive energy into it, it becomes a symbol of positivity. It becomes positivity.

This is something you can try at home. Take an object in your house that you already like, and just sit for half an hour every day, focusing all your love, joy, and happiness on it. Just like a prayer session. Eventually, you'll find that just glancing at that object makes you happy.
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HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@JovialMoose I feel the same! It's fckin weird we use the torture device symbol but also...the amount of positivity surrounds the symbol of the cross. Very few see it as negative. I think positive emotions toward anything give it power, energy. It's all just energy. Kind of wish we could pick a better symbol though
InHeaven · F
It was merely a torture symbol and nothing more before God Himself died on it@HellsBelle Everything that Jesus touches with His power He turns from a torture symbol into a blessing symbol. Centuries ago one Greek wealthy woman wanted to find the cross that Jesus died on. So she traveled with a crew to that mountain. They dug out the remains of three crosses and couldn’t figure out which one was Jesus’s cross. That day there was a funeral procession passing by on a road near by they called them and asked if they can touch/apply all three crosses to the corpse in the casket being carried. Two crosses did nothing, third Cross resurrected the dead body and thats how they knew it belonged to Jesus. So, by Gods power a torture symbol turns into a resurrection/back to life symbol. Jesus gives everything Life, and everyone. Never listen to people who tell you to take your cross off and always wear it.

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