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I believe that men are definitely better than woman.

Not only because of their physical appearances but also how they able to handle pressure. Not all ladies are able to endure pressure. For example, me. I always see people (men) around me they are less hysterical when facing crisis or conflict. Unlike me, I am the opposite.

Men also are less emotional than women makes them a very competent leader. Unlike women, their judgment sometimes clouded by their emotion. Again, that is me.

Men are also have persona of masculinity that makes them alpha in a group. With that, they able to control the people in the group. Unlike women, again that is me, less spoken and soft tone voice none of them (people in my group) are listening to me.

No wonder the society praising patriarchy rules very much.

As a female, a woman and a girl, I am sometimes being misogynistic against my own gender. I never like born to be a female. It always a curse to me. I never intend to be a trans either because it won't change my DNA.

I feel odd hating my own gender and supporting men's agenda. But, I am changing a little bit when my rights being violated. But the hardcore of believing men are better than women is still planted in my head. Maybe because there are so many examples the greatest thing happen in this world mostly dominated by men.
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iamelijah · 26-30, M Pinned Comment
Update: This video proves me that men are biologically better than woman. Well, they just born dominant than us (women). Of course I won't discredit all women efforts but finding equality between men and women are impossible. We just built different.
Unless we are talking about office work. Yeah we can use that based on merit.

But for physical labors, men are dominating.
But, if we are teaching women to be same par as men, I think we can see improvement hoping women strong as men.
I never like being pampered and treated like fragile creatures although I looked frail. What the hell am I blabbing about. Here's the video. The rest you watch them on YouTube.


BlueVeins · 22-25
Eh, I like women a lot. Truth is that everyone's emotional, it's just that women are more expressive of their emotions. And emotions are important in leadership anyway; a leader has got to be able to show (or at least feign) compassion for those in distress, and demonstrate some degree of hostility against common enemies. The whole thing about the persona of masculinity is probably true, but I doubt that's good for society as a whole. The idea of supporting whoever's most confident and outspoken can really overshadow people who've got great ideas but are maybe more soft-spoken and uneasy.

There are some things I like about men, like we tend to be pretty chill about shit that doesn't matter like fashion and etiquette. But I find women a lot easier to talk to and a lot more relaxing and relatable. In any case, I hope you can find peace in your identity, one way or another. It's clear you're going through a lot of turmoil and as always, my inbox is open.
BlueVeins · 22-25
Women have better emotional intelligence though, and men are more predisposed to aggressive behavior. The tendency towards leadership is only a good thing if you're actually good at being a leader. Even if you assume most men are better at stuff than most women (which goes against all the evidence that we have on the subject), you'd still have to concede that some women are better than some men, which makes judging based on gender really inefficient. Like
Sheer · F
That's just stereotypes... Maybe you see this everywhere, because you're trying to look for it? In my experience, people are completely different from each other in despite of sex, and both men and women have good and poor qualities. Certain qualities may show up more often in one sex than in another, but not enough to justify this black/white perspective, in my opinion.
Very interesting.

Allow me to suggest an alternative: that you do not "hate" your gender, or "support" the agenda of men, but instead that you view humans as people who have varied characteristics, gifts, talents...and ANY of whom might be good or bad for society, your town, or you. ANY person might be a great friend, or a poor one; a great encourager, or a poor one; a great listener/sounding board, or a poor one.

If you prejudge men as better and women as worse, even bad...then you will miss out on good women and bad men, on great friendships & those you should have avoided.

Writing off half of humanity...that keeps us in chains. Elevating the other half...the same. Seeing each of us as individuals with propensities for both good & evil--more true to reality, and it gives everyone a fair shake.

Just you and like me.

Nice to meet you, person! 😊
morrgin · F
My opinion is sometimes women with their high intelligence make things too complicated and men are able to simplify the situation which gets the task done.
@morrgin it's the same thing for men. If they have no support of people around then, they falter under stress
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@morrgin statistic wise, men and women both average at 100 as best I understand, but with more men being pretty high or pretty low and more women being near average

Women are more easily deceived and lead by emotions, this is the weakness that makes them fail to lead well, not greater intelligence leading to overthinking or lesser intelligence not being able to do proper thinking
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@morrgin I do think women handle life situation stress better than men do, at least as far as not letting it crush them, but men handle emergency situation fight or flight stress better in the moment

These many nuances and different strengths between men and women works much of the beauty of a good and loving relationship between a man and a woman, and they also put aside any rational questions about who is better between women and men

With that many specialities, we are comparing unlike things, it’s not possible to say what is better between a pear and a mango.

One could have more health benefits in one area or many, but not the same ones, and many may say they find the pear better or rather the mango, but those are opinions

In a set which works together it is beyond detrimental for those meant to be on one team fighting against each other and competing when really they were meant to work together as one
Carazaa · F
Stop that thinking 🙂 Infact women are stronger emotionally than men, they can take more stress in general, and live longer. Women are just more verbal when stressed which is healthy, men often hold it in and act out instead.
Northwest · M
A sample of one is not remotely statistically significant.
Nayla · 56-60, F
I'm not an emotional female so I just cannot relate with your comments.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I wish I could introduce you to my parents. 😐 You might reconsider these stereotypes you have about genders.
Nope. Because we can do this.

@walabby Even now, there are incredible female musicians.


Her with Bad Wolves

walabby · M
@JustGoneNow No argument there. It's just that I don't listen to much music now compared to my misspent youth.. ;)
@walabby fair. be well. ✌️
That’s really sad. 😔
As a male I find males are just as emotional but due to the culture of toxic masculinity they are forced to internalize it until they snap. They are thought not to have feelings and that they should always be strong. 99 percent of wars are started by men. So I wouldn't call them emotionally stable. But of course it can be the culture of having no one to turn to as well.
Kindness, empathy a soft voice counts for a lot. Look at bonobos which are matriarchal and they suffer less violence internally.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
@canusernamebemyusername bonobos also have sex as a greating, insted of shaking hands. We could learn so mush from them.
@Dolimyte lol Yeah. It goes to show feelings associated with positive emotions can be a boon to a society.
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
Women and men should not compete with each other but complement each other. They have different strengths and weaknesses.
revenant · F
@Mugin16 who is going to kill the spider in the bathroom ?😉
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
@revenant Nobody. The spider wants to live too. I always catch them and release them outside.
revenant · F
@Mugin16 not me
th3r0n · 41-45, M
We are better leaders, more powerful warriors, and better at making decisions

That doesn’t mean we are just better

Women are better at comforting, better at organization, better at cleaning, more creative, they make a home alive rather than plain
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
I think it's more about averages and such. I don't see either as better or worse, more naturally geared on average towards certain traits and behaviours perhaps. I think there's positive things about masculinity though, it's often that people tend to talk about what they percieve as negative.

Interestingly enough I've listened to trans people who have both perspectives and the f to m's said that when they became far more calm and less emotional in general. Not that males are devoid of emotion but I think it just doesn't come in sharp peaks in the same way maybe. You'd have to tell me what it's like tbh because I don't know.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
yes, these are words
@DeluxedEdition I’m always surprised when people feel this way. I’ve never seen either sex as superior. Just very different, and awesome that we are.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@JustGoneNow well said 😌
[why do you feel like this
iamelijah · 26-30, M
@mysteryespresso Because its true.
well in general men have an advantage to certain things.. but i don't equate that to considering them better than women.. just different with less complications.. but there are strong level headed women as well as emotional men.. so i don't apply generalizations as a rule because there are always exceptions .. and you shouldn't hate or think less of yourself just because others seem to be doing better..
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
Some men are dogs and not fit to lead anything, just as some women stand out. In a world with Mother Teresa, Margret Thatcher and the likes. Not everything is dominated by men. Some of the things you point out I can agree with, in my experience women tend to let emotion lead them where men use a more logical approach. Sometimes emotional is the right way to approach a subject though. I see the sexes as more of a yin-yang thing. Complimentary opposites. The contrast is necessary to see the big picture. Man and woman together is stronger than a man or woman by themself. Neither is truly better than the other and the race would not survive without both.
Riverman2 · 61-69, M
I am not sure that I buy into the common notion that it's a man's world. There's a lot of truth to the old saying "A man wears the pants but the woman tells him which one". Seems to me that men spend the majority of their lives trying to attract and keep women. So who is really the most powerful?
@Riverman2 food keeps human alive but food isn't important at all if human doesn't exist anymore
Physically stronger yes. Thats an fact BUT women can be stronger than men , the athelets or bodybuliders. Women are more stronger in other ways , they have an higher physical pain tollerence. Men appear emonitally stronger because they had been taught not to express sadness from childhood.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Just significant neural and physical differences which make them better at certain activities. These same differences make them worst at other things so it is not really a contest.
I only agree with you on terms of physical differences. Otherwise men and women are same. They should be treated equally. Women are more intelligent then men. Those who that men are less emotional which is wrong. There alot of things on this topic. 🙂
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Women are better than men because:
1)We have a longer life expectancy.
2)Our chromosomes are almost twice as complex.The default position is female and men are almost a biological accident.
3)At school we get better exam results.
4)We can have multiple orgasms.
walabby · M
@tallpowerhouseblonde All true, but we guys can write our name in the snow!
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@walabby I know how you mean.That is naughty.
Not all men are alpha first of all.
Women are strong and dynamic and badass.
It makes me wonder who formed your first ideas about women?
iamelijah · 26-30, M
@SW-User I don't know why but when it comes women to become a leader, they tend to be like a bossy (telling you that and that) and sounds like they are nagging instead leading them.

I know men are also bossy but the way they act is more convincing compared to women.

It's the society, the rules and the way how I was raised.
@iamelijah working for male boss feels more relaxing for some reason.
Men also are less emotional than women makes them a very competent leader.

I agree on this point
So what about shy, quiet boys? Are they any less? Gender means nothing .
When someone hates their own gender it makes me wonder what happened to them. Its how they feel about themselves.
Men make better music. But women seem better in most other ways to me.
Are we allowed to hate people for having totally sexist opinions?
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
I just think both men and women have their own stengths and weaknesses, I just think men take things in their stride better than women, but then women can pick up on things men dont notice or think it is not important, so we both need and compliment each other
Kevin66 · M
I believe that women are more superior and we are here to serve you
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
My view is so completely opposite of yours, Hell if anything it's true I might kick into high gear during a Crisis and manage under pressure well myself but if you honestly think that men are the less emotional creatures I suggest you examine Onision on YouTube for instance or look at the male drama tubers and the shit storms they kick up. I keep hearing how women are supposedly the more dramatic sex and yet I see no evidence of this position at all.

In fact if anything big Sis has had to bail me out more than once.

We keep also being told shut up kid we invented all the technology that you take advantage of today but it's like to what avail? Social media is being abused by the idiots who just use it to spread paranoid misinformation about Vaccines and encourage idiots to fail to realize none of the information in the "VAERS DATABASE" which is their go to fall back is actually verified and that correlation isn't necessarily causation.

it's pretty evident that even though social media gave me the love of my life it was a fucking mistake that is ruining civilization.
Briggett · T
One sex has the advantage whenever it comes doing dumb things
iamelijah · 26-30, M
@Briggett Such as?
4meAndyou · F
i want to preface my remarks by saying I feel very badly that your self esteem as a woman has been so deeply squashed by your own upbringing. My own mother was like that. I hope and pray you can find reasons to love yourself. If you do not, you will be unhappy in life. I say this with love, and with a desire to help.

The belief that men are better than women is often defined by the culture. Men are physically stronger than women. Just as in many mammal groups, the male is larger and stronger so that he can protect his female and his young.

A human female, unlike the human male, chemically bonds to a male after she mates with him. Whereas the male, lacking that chemical bond, is able to run after other mates much more easily. That is not a strength to the male as a person. It is a strength to the species only, in that it gives greater variety to the gene pool.

The fallacy that men are less emotional than women is a cultural fib. Unlike women, men are taught at a very early age to HIDE their emotions. They still WANT to cry...believe me. I've read so many posts here...and everywhere, where the men describe having to swallow their own tears, or being mocked and humiliated by their peers. The male emotional experience is very sad and very repressed in some cultures.

What DOES happen, with women, is hormone hijacking. Once a month, and during childbearing and afterward, our hormones create difficulties. (I didn't say insanity...just thought it...😉).

With YOUNG men the same thing their they become overwhelmed with their own testosterone.

Women are superior to men in their ability and desire to communicate. Because their brains are wired differently, women usually have marginally larger vocabularies than men.

Women have a higher immunity factor to the virus covid19, because immunity has been linked to the X chromosome, of which women have two.

Recently, a doctor of psychology said that women have a much higher appreciation of beauty and excellence than men. They are also, as a general rule, much more kind and generous than men, experiencing more empathy, and more compassion.

He also said that, as a general rule, women are able to love more deeply than men because they value close relationships, and women experience gratitude more often than men, and take the time to express their gratitude.
revenant · F
@4meAndyou yeah damn hormones !
When they are little, boys are more prone to be interested in things whereas girls look for connection
revenant · F
I agree with you.Men and women are different!
OK speak for yourself. I don't think that men are better than me.
@SW-User You always make me laugh :)
walabby · M
Not better nor worse...

Just different.
brian29715 · 46-50, M
It might be unpopular, but it’s your opinion. We’re all entitled to have one.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
This makes me sad. You are not less than a man.
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
So I'm getting a blowjob now ?
Whenever you're ready 🙆‍♂️
morrgin · F
@HannibalMontanimal thats funny. Totally sounds like something my husband would say.😂

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