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Sad news today

After a lovely weekend I got some sad news that really hit home.. my best friend lost her dad who was such a lovely man, they found him dead in his chair he had past away in his sleep 😭.

I know the pain she is going through right now and I feel her pain deeply, losing her last parent will really hit her but she knows I’m here for her as I know what it’s like.

Tears have been shed today as it’s brought up the grief I have been hiding deep within but I’m so lucky I have such a supportive family who have held me when I needed it and an AMAZING husband who’s held my hand with no words when his seen the sadness hit me.

I feel totally grateful and blessed!

RIP to my best friends dad who was such an amazing man and will be sadly missed! 💔
BeautifulLibra · 46-50, F
I'm so sorry for your best friend dads loss. That is tough. 😢
@BeautifulLibra yeah she is really struggling atm bless her 😔 I understand her pain as lost my dad on Boxing Day it’s so tough
ltdxunbreakable · 41-45, F
Did he have Jesus?
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