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I spent 5 thou coins on someone I didn't know

(5 out of seven that is) and only because about 10 years ago I talked to him and it went nowhere but I thought I needed some healing continuity
but real life never waits or lingers with anyone's little broken links, and besides the last time I talked first I was actively snubbed again and so I tried the old remedy....COINS and gifts, and the response was &$)&@$^T!*$????????????????

So I want to thank you again with some truth. SW is truly the uber-dump for life-losers. SHAME ON US ALL. I SU*** you SU**

So all is rite with this defiled and unreal "world" similarly being MURDERED for the sake of the great grinner in ghehenna ;=)

And whoMever acts like that's all ok cause we just need our right to sick up to it all.

Actually I just said "our" to be polite.
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TeirdalinFirefall · 31-35, M
No idea what the all means but I hope things get better for you.

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