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Do you like storms?

Poll - Total Votes: 25
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Mhello · 56-60, F
[image/video deleted]
This is a picture of the tail end a tornado that passed by when we where camping. It was cool because it was far away.
VodkaBec · 31-35, F
Sitting on our fourth floor patio with a glass of wine watching a storm is the best ☺
VodkaBec · 31-35, F
@jessss I must admit I'm nearly as bad. If I'm woken by one, I'll get up to watch it. 🙂
jessss · 31-35, F
@VodkaBec there's nothing wrong with that. I opened the blinds and the door in my living room the second I saw that flash of lightening. 😂
VodkaBec · 31-35, F
@jessss There's nothing wrong with that, if I was with you, we'd be like two silly excited kids ☺
labsrock · M
Yes, especially at night
TheProphet · M
Love storms and lightening and thunder.
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
Love them, yes.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I love lightning ,the coolness of the rain ,the clean air
I do not like the quick showers that only make it more humid
but I love a storm ,even if at times it knocks out my power
as long as its cooler ,I can take the good with the bad
i don't want to invite a catastrophe, but i do love a good tropical storm, or even a slow-burning, low-grade hurricane. a regular summer thunderstorm is great, as well.
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Yes, but I am sick of the rainy weather this year.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
in this hot weather yes
yeah just not be in one
thxpoet · 46-50, M
Sure do the stronger the better.
Properly kitted out in rain wear though.
So much fun listening to the raindrops pitter patter on my coat hood and splashing thru puddles in my rain boots. Makes me feel young again.
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HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
They are cathartic
No because my dog freaks out and she actually will rip the paint off doors... I'm actually in a severe storm right now and she is barking like crazy in her kennel...

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