Retaliation for rejection. they often times think it will make a person feel compelled to prove otherwise to them, and sadly in cases of many insecure people it actually works. so they keep doing it. ignore their dumb asses.
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😂😂 @IsarithI:
Princessbellaxx · F
So i guess me thats funny saying you have a fake profile pic not useing a real name and not showing your gender
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Justme4321 · 46-50, F
Wanting something..usually money🙄
goodguy007 · 41-45, M
Their way of taking out their frustration of not having control
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
sour grapes?
chrisCA · M
Let me guess. They want nudes? 😏
Princessbellaxx · F
@chris62ca: kinda
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
maybe they are fake,

You don't need that sort of people.
Alexsw · 70-79, M
that is not correct. when you goes anonymous or when you write wrong things,people call you fake.
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
your face looks really weird, like youve been given black eyes and the swelling has dropped down into your cheeks