From time to time kids in tumbling or martial arts would get joint dislocations, sprains, hip pointers and such. The pain comes from the inflammation of the torn muscles and ligaments. Besides the usual therapies like hot and cold compresses, anti-inflammatories like Advil we used a Chinese product called "Tiger Balm" which is a liniment that deeply penetrates with heat to the injured site. Another similar liniment is Japanese in origin used by Jujitsu students called "Okazaki" liniment. It's harder to get because it's mostly made by the martial artists and not available at a pharmacy.
I've tried both for injuries...and I endorse both. Okazki's works a bit better and faster but Tiger Balm is good too.
There is also acupressure and acupuncture which is not delivered directly on the site of the injury. It takes an expert to deliver this but the effects are amazing. They somehow block the pain receptors. When I have had it done, I got so relaxed I slept deeply for hours and awoke still feeling sore but a whole heck of a lot less in pain.
My martial teacher also employed a hypnosis technique which put one into a trance so that the pain was observed by the injured person ... and as the trance got deeper so did the pain become more distant.
Good luck to you, savsavage, I hope you feel better soon.