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Sleep is overrated. Do you agree?

I just hate wasting my time doing nothing I rather be learning,reading,writing or anything but not sleeping lol
Unlearn · 41-45, M
If anything it is underrated...
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
@Unlearn: it is?
Unlearn · 41-45, M
@PrettyTroubles: Many things go on inside us while we sleep. It's not like nothing is heals us spiritually, mentally and physically.
I don't function properly without at least 6 hours
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
more for me.

enjoy your arteriosclerosis, premature aging, diabetes, weight disorders, hypertension, neurological afflictions and more that comes from an improper sleep routine.
meemo70 · 51-55, M
I agree. But there's is minimum amount of sleep your body needs.. you should give it that amount
Oversleeping is just a waste of time and life!!
PrettyTroubles · 26-30, F
Yeah sleep is important but to me it's more important to live my life to the fullest I will sleep when I'm dead 😜
Bean17 · 46-50, F
I wish I were still your age!😜@PrettyTroubles:
Shadowstep · 26-30, M
You waste half a day sleeping.. that sort of time can go into productive stuff like adventuring!!
aspirational · 51-55, M
6 hours a night, tops. Too much to do in this life (even if that means procrastinating on a site like this! ;)
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
No, as I'm finding out I have to have adequate sleep for a good metabolism.
Bean17 · 46-50, F
I think getting enough sleep is important.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Bean17: important for hormone balance, metabolism among other things.
Bean17 · 46-50, F
yeronlyman · 51-55, M
actually many modern humans dont get enough sleep and it could be causing hidden havoc in their lives

maybe a risk for obesity and depression
accidents and chronic pain and also heart disease

sleeps function is to restore and is vitally important
shaelan · 41-45, M
Poor sleep is very overrated. I'd rather do something than lay in bed all night, waiting for the scheduled time to resume. Conversely, the bliss of a full and proper sleep cannot be denied.
GlassDog · 46-50, M
I often wish I had more of it, but when I'm awake, I have to go up and do something. I can't deal with just lying there.
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ChefBrian · 41-45, M
Call me what you want.
I make more money than you do.
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Trevo · 26-30, M
No lol. Sleeping is one of the greatest things in life lol (not exaggerating). I love sleeping
Cosreal · 36-40
Not sleeping right kicks my ass every night. & Every day I'm a damn zombie. It sucks.
Hawnheart · 61-69
Hmm good question. Let me sleep on that and I'll get right back to you.
tligtmsli · M
Yep I sleep like 5 hours a nite go to bed very late wake up early
Pfuzylogic · M
It is important to restore the mind and body.
yes when I have important things to do
THEBIGM · 56-60, M
Sleep is the little death

and I love it
Only if it was possible to not sleep :)
hell no, I'd rather be asleep now
Sleep is good for you :)
Tminus6453 · M
Its very Underrated
UndeadPrivateer · 31-35, M
Sleep is for the weak.
ChefBrian · 41-45, M
SO agree!!
I function on about 5 hours of sleep.. I think it's SUPER overrated.

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