I fell asleep and missed the second half. Did those two end up getting married?

I didn't like it..
SailorMarz · F
Its something i'd watch if i was bored

or with family lol
SailorMarz · F
You ass lol @theowl:
Not quite as good as fifty shades of Clean.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
It was tame
ScrewThisImDone · 26-30, F
You'd get more story, character and really everything by just watching a porno. The only reason the books even got published to begin with was because they're Twilight fanfiction.
iamronnie · 31-35, M
@ScrewThisImDone I don't think women even like that. It's just ridiculous. I guess everyone have their own point of view. 😕
ScrewThisImDone · 26-30, F
I can understand the mindset behind liking it: a wealthy, gorgeous man who wants pretty much nothing but to wait on you hand and foot. But the problem is he's a horrible person, plain and simple.
softspokenman · M
Human sexual behavior is nothing new. Great advertising is though.
meJess · F
not going to watch if it's not in colour :)
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Very boring movie ugh