I love my life. It's taken me a while to get it just the way I want it though.
itsautumn · 26-30
how? how will u tell you children or your grandchildren about how much youve taken through all the years?
I will say I spent too long focusing on pleasing others and not enough time figuring out what I wanted and needed.
Hereonceagain · 36-40, F
i don't have much at this stage in my life...i have vices that have cost me people very dear to me..,im not proud of myself or have anyone to really listen...i wake up each day thinking it will be different and trying hard to make it so..,at the end of the day i end up exhausted depressed again...and i go to bed praying it will be better and end up the same day in and day out..,.but every day i wake up with hope that this 'next day' will be better and to try again...
itsautumn · 26-30
this is like a reflection of my feelings. exactly the same. but in the end, the recycle just keep repeating itself....thanks.
It all comes down to hope. Sometimes, the question does become why should I live, but it's usually why shouldn't I these days.
My dreams.
I just keep hoping that eventually I'll find my footing.
But of course, I never do, and everything is just a vicious cycle and has been for ~9 years now.
But of course, I never do, and everything is just a vicious cycle and has been for ~9 years now.
itsautumn · 26-30
and how we've been thinking wanting to change things but it's unchangeable...lol
the possibilities are endless
AnukBinary · M
I'm a stupern ass. And I can never give up. It's not written in my DNA. I've always fought life And I always will. And now for the part 9 years my life isn't jus mine anymore. I've taken on the greatest responsibility in my opinion. Being a father/dad/friend/protector/teacher/student