AnukBinary · M
This is the sign I was looking for🤗 Thank you my friend🙏
Oh and to answer your question beauty begins from within. When we are able to love ourselves and understand we are beauty. then we can see beauty and love in others as we do ourselves😁
Oh and to answer your question beauty begins from within. When we are able to love ourselves and understand we are beauty. then we can see beauty and love in others as we do ourselves😁
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AnukBinary · M
@Aidolovemostofyourthoughts: hehe thank you for showing up at the correct moment😊

@AnukBinary: You're very welcome. :)
AnukBinary · M
@Aidolovemostofyourthoughts: 🙏
Mondayschild · F
heart and mind
AnukBinary · M
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
In the mind.
LachrymoseLamer · 51-55, M
In the perceptions of the beholder.

At mind and heart.

In the eye of the beholder
MenzernaSF4000 · 36-40, M
In your thoughts. If you are thinking about it, you might end up doing it. So keep your thoughts pure and sensible.

JaneDoe · 26-30, F
Your soul.
Equanimous · 51-55, M
It begins when we discover and accept ourselves.

It begins from you and it spreads everywhere you go. 🤘🤘

Winterwanderer · 26-30, M
When we experience its opposite
Elegy · 46-50

That's just surface beauty though.
Elegy · 46-50
You didn't stipulate. 😉
In the heart...
Lilnonames · F
At the end of my block button lol