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Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

There’s this strange thing I’ve noticed in my life. It’s something that’s been completely consistent but doesn’t seem to make sense. If I need something, I can’t have it, but for some reason the very moment I stop needing it, it’s there.

Now I’ve been trying to find a good place to live for years. I took yet another random chance and stopped by another one of my local realty places and asked the lady there about opportunities for rent. She had nothing but bad news. She let me know her few options that were all way too expensive and the abysmal situation with the year long waiting lists on apartments. I thanked her for her time and decided I’d come back to check again in a month if I couldn’t find anything else. I drove home and for the first time in all these years of searching I was okay with this disappointment. I was prepared for it.

Before it would’ve caused me to freak out and complain because of how stressful finding a place to live is. I’ve been very negative about it because my current living situation is very difficult to say the least. This time though, I didn’t mind. I accepted my fate and knew I’d just have to keep trying. I was fine with that reality. I sat in my room trying to think of my next step for about 3 hours before I received a call from her. I answered and she had just received word of a house that suddenly became available as the owner unfortunately passed away. It’s cheap, in a good area, modest, but almost ideal. I was over the moon at the opportunity. I filled out the application and now she assured me I just have to wait until the house is prepared for me to move in.

This is only one example, there’s countless over my life. If I want or need something from this world I cannot ever have it. The very second I stop though, and I make peace with not getting it, almost like magic, it just comes to me. I can’t tell you exactly why it’s like that, but it is. I was rewarded every time I accepted the way life is, and punished every time I didn’t. I can understand why maybe psychologically that’s the case, but I can’t explain why the world around me seems to work that way too. I mean what are the odds that showing up at that realty office on this day would lead to a house just then becoming available on the same day? Right when I had consigned myself to my challenging home life. I could have easily not shown up there today. I honestly didn’t want to bother. I’m so glad I did though. It’s almost like it was meant to be.

I think I’m seeing now more than ever that luck isn’t something completely beyond our control. It’s the opportunities that come to you when you’re prepared for them. Not a moment sooner. No matter how much you want something, if you’re not prepared, then even if you get it, you’ll lose it. I also understand now that the only way to know if you are truly ready to be with something is based on how ready you are to be without it. The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.
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being · 36-40, F
Yes I'm so happy for you 😊❤ is this place in the same area or town you are already living in ?
Reject · 26-30, M
@being Thank you and yes! It’s actually really nice because it’s in town. I’m used to living about 30 minutes out of town.
Carazaa · F
👍God molds us. To be mature is to be content and thankful with what we have. This is very difficult indeed. I am so happy for you. 🏡
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
The more research I do and the harder I work, the luckier I get..😷

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