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See if I can find myself agai. Here

Maybe I don’t know

If I don’t come back here and restrict my feelings I feel like I’m going to be in a dark place.

So random post

I’m thinking of moving down south.
I’m scared to go and scared to stay
I need courage
Kindly asking the universe for some courage and some clarity
What should I do
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It's normal to be afraid of change but it's not ok to be uncomfortable with your current environment
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Depends where in the south you are planning and what you are looking for, most people move for a job but if that is not a consideration the world is your oyster. I'm in Lincoln it's historic but there isn't a lot else to recommend it. I lived in Sheffield, it's cold in Sheffield maybe something to do with the hills. I don't like London. Everywhere else is much of a muchness. BTW what's wrong with Carlisle?
I hope you find the courage to do whatever is best for you. You're valuable and it's important that you take care of yourself.
Classified · M
It does sound scary to go. If you go, maybe being prepared as good as you can, without losing yourself in that, would help?
being · 36-40, F
Go South... It's going to make a more mellow winter for sure..
The universe can’t give you anything. It’s a non living, non sentient object.
ReneeT · 61-69, F
Believe in yourself. The first step to feeling more courage

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