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The awe of mystery .. to me over speakers

How one device can make so many different sounds all at once..

And while some people go on and on about people being on their phones.. I think phones are highly underrated.. the depths of the world are contained in them.. so much..

I spend so many hours dreaming of being a better person.. nicer.. while at the same time being mean and selfish and condescending and arrogant and vain and everything a person is not supposed to be 🤐 there's a long list of people who's paths i crossed the wrong way and even more who's paths i never crossed at all just because i was too snobbish.. 😳 there are nice ways and mean ways of saying the same things or making a point or being gracious and not making one at all.. nice people are underrated but.. having a brass personality is .. offensive.. not to mention failing people who need you to be there for them while one continues to be self absorbed or otherwise occupied.. sigh

This and that

In life there are many paths one can take.. it's easier for some than others.. some grow with silver spoons and some with paper plates but that's not all.. there are personality types to contend with.. a person's family and upbringing or lack thereof is something of an impact on a person for better or worse..

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