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September 17, 2024

There has to be a different kind of playlist which is for me specially designed for reading, one which has hundreds of trance inducing tracks and albums, no beats, just drones, varying from light and fluffy (which can also denote a false exterior hiding sinister things) and darker vibes which can denote a more meaningfully hopeful interior.

Today has to be the last day where i post a whole lotta nothing, from tomorrow onwards it has to be a little bit of nothing.

I already want to program my literary reading for next year, but my hands are full with what i specified in previous post, and that will be a format that shall be implemented long term.

For a full year there will be 10 to 20 solid classics, read in tandem with the complete or close to complete works of a certain author.

This is just the literary angle, mind you, and there has to be a place for poetry.

dad update, he used to like Clint Eastwood, but he's seen a few love scenes now and he's not liking it. Thanks alot Clint for letting my dad down!!

So we're watching Hitchcock's The Man Who Knew Too Much, the 30's version, because dad knows too much, and this will be very very therapeutic for him, however i sense that one of the male actors will look at a woman the wrong way, and hence it will be deemed unfit for bible believers to consume.

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