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I decided to be like taylor swift and write a song about whats bothering me

My first song is a song of disappointment and frustration, it's about a phone call that doesn't go right, its about a failure to communicate snd misunderstanding resulting in disappointment and irritation and aggravation and ****

Its about trying to activate my mom's old phone over the phone because she lost her last phone and presumed she could used an old one but needed a new sim card and could i activate her phone.. ? Well i tried but i wasn't doing it right and what the hell why cant this phone be used am i not saying this number right and how should i know what three call she liked making on her phone? This phone is from two years ago and the call log is *people chattering in the background, darks barking nearby* ugh 😳😳😳 never mind they have to go idk whats going on or not going on with this phone and the lady isn't explaining it, this is beyond frustrating .. next time i am going to refuse ugh.. never mind the song.. this is a time for screaming.. i told the pastor's wife i was having an online affair (not now.. years ago.. when i used to live there) my mom and dad went to the church yesterday they wanted me to go, i didn't go.. i was having problems i didn't mention.. but now i feel like i should go there tomorrow.. i hope that lady didn't say anything to them. I told my parents other friend that i was involved with shady stuff online.. i think she unfriended me thereafter .. thats ok.. i just wasnt going to run around acting like a saint when i wasnt.. im over all that stupidity now .. but back then i was struggling with hopes and dreams i was desperately trying to chase.. it wasnt till i met some psychopathic woman namely my middle brother's mother in law.. the piece of work was a twisted psycho from hell.. after seeing her i went cold turkey.. from vice.. i used to be so baby crazy.. i wanted one more than anything in the world.. i was very vain i wanted the most beautiful baby daughter ever.. but anyway.. my husband wouldn't give me kids he had had enough already with his exes 6 kids.. 2 and 4.. tho two were questionable er one is questionable the other was not his at all but thats beside the point.. between them both he had had enough so.. snip.. its covered by insurance (to get the opp) anyway but its bot covered it reverse it.. that's 20k and who has that?? Not us.. anyway .. so he bought me a dog instead.. a cute dog.. one who barks a lot .. very cute.. but very annoying to him.. latter we got another one and she is the light of my eyes the love of my heart my beautiful baby girl.. of so cure so beautiful so.. happy.. the joy of my life.. sigh.. contentment.. my baby 🥰 i never knew one could be so complete with a puppy but she's like light of my life., and adorable.. barks loud tho for a lil pup she has a deep bark like a much larger dog.. she's funny.. anyway.. haters can forget about it.. anyway i need to go tell that lady that im out of those vices like i hope she hasn't said anything to my mom and dad .. the horror.. the more i know about pitfalls of modern dating and lifestyles the more i value old fashioned values and even arranged marriages.. like you didn't get to chose who you would be born as in life, why should you get to chose your own partner? What do you know about anything anyway? Leave that to people with more experience and reason than you. Lol nah i left home when i was a kid cause i didn't wanna marry the guy they kept nagging me to marry .. he just wasn't my ideal of a man he was kinda a short macho man and i liked tall slender suave types classy not hunko gym pumpers in tight shirts 😒 eh.. really i would have rather married the trash collector he was cute.. whoever he was.. its not a bad job really.. i wish i could own my own dump salvage yard.. theres so much good stuff out there being wasted.. i thought about having a pre dumpster website people can list their trash online and other people can pick it up before it hits the curb or gets hauled off to the dump.. a dumpster diving exchange site .. not fir garbage mind you but for just junk that .. anyway .. i have so much junk i need to get rid off .. nice stuff i just dont have any place for it.. im blabbing off the point.. my coffee is getting cold .. more people got bit by sharks at the beach and people are .. one thing i know about people is that they do whatever is in their best interest that's how they roll, innate selfishness and self preservation i guess .. nature .. ay my plants are doing badly this year.. maybe its my lack of care.. my smallest citrus tree died but the other 6 seem fine tho still no clue what they are orange or tangerine or lemon i presume but what of the three idk.. i gtg the chickens are crowing in the distance? Did i mention i found a foxhole under the power lines? I was kinda traumatize by the dead body parts of birds laying around it and in it.. i ran away horrified.. i like foxes but i wish they didn't kill birds.. but they do i guess .. neighbors chickens included.. i gtg i meant to go back to sleep but i guess i am a typing addict 😒 i have something to say to someone but i digress for now im watching asian show series again on netflix 😬 i need to stop watching tv but so far i haven't and .. now i forgot what im taking about.. my dog is complaining i gtg
IM5688 · 61-69, M
That's not a song. It's more like an opera.
Or better yet, forget about making it a song, make it a TV soap opera.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
I know everyone has their own tastes, likes and dislikes, etc. but I just don't see or hear anything so special about Taylor Swift.

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