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The north of Tuscany is the most dramatic of her landscapes. The Apuan Alps and Garfagnana mountains dominate, with great river valleys and huge densely forested swatches. Here the villages cling to the sides of rocky inclines, often their steep streets turning into steps upwards, and buildings seemingly jostled one on top of the other. The village of Cutigliano, nestled within chestnut trees and precipitously built, high in the mountains overlooking the Lima Valley, is just such a place, as is Montefegatesi, little more than a hamlet hidden amongst the sheer slopes.

The village of Castiglione di Garfagnana nestles into the wooded slopes of the Apuan Alps amidst the historic region of Garfagnana in the province of Lucca. It is a beautiful, ancient and fortified place that is dominated by the rustic and mellowed stones of the ‘Rocca’ or castle. The village, perched on its steep slopes, affords sweeping panoramic views across the breathtaking countryside and is perfectly placed as a defensive post. It was first settled by the Romans and later fell to the Lombards, the Franks and the Luccans; it was the Lords of Lucca who built the Rocca, which dates to 1371.

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