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My life is about to get worse and there's nothing I can do about it.

I kind of had it all for a little while. I had a nice little apartment in the city, with the office just a few blocks down and all kinds of wonderful little community features. I met new friends here. But now, my apartment complex is raising the rent and and the office is moving out of the city. There's no apartments close enough to the new office that I could keep walking to work. The CEO said I can work hybrid, which I guess I'm gonna do.

I now have a choice. I can move to a shithole apartment out in the suburbs with a decent amount of space and a grocery store down the street... OR I can move to a shoebox in the city with the same company that just jacked up my rent. I am still undecided, but I must make my move before long. I cut a little slice of heaven out for myself, but it was a slice of Heaven built out of a confluence of factors fixed in time, which will never come together again.
That really sucks, and it’s a lot of forced change all at once. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it will be bad, maybe it will just be different and require a period of adjustment in order to get your bearings.
Ugh.... that's a real bummer😟 .
Big changes like that are so hard😩

Still, as awful as change is, and even if it seems you may be going might not be all bad 🤔

Ive gone thru some horrible losses in my life - some took ages to adjust to. But when i got my shit sorted and settled into my new 'life'....i got to see the 'wins' id gained.

Yes ....what i lost hurt.
But i also got new things ive grown to appreciate: courage, new people, new perspective.

Change is like that. We have to lose some of the old , (both good and bad), to make way for the new, (both good and bad).
Its why even good change hurts: gotta break some eggs to bake a cake 🤷

This change might have some good aspects that you dont know about yet?
You might meet new people 😊
Do new things😊
It might present new opportunities that your current life doesnt atm🤷

I do feel for you though.😔
Big changes are stressful and complicated and make you feel like youve lost the comfortable balance you worked so hard to obtain.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
You might consider sharing a place. Pick a flavor you like (M/F/O), rent the place and then put an ad up for room rentals. Just be sure every door in the place has a lock so nobody will be snooping through each others stuff, and set the ground rules.
Ask for references too. It might turn out to be a lot of fun.
Enjoy it while you still have it bud

Sucks though x
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
Sorry, man. Don’t leave your friends.

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