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Been away a few weeks.

Glad to see no one burnt the place down while I was gone. I've been away from my computer for the most part of the last 3 or 4 weeks. It will probably take another week before things begin to resemble normal and I haven't worked in almost a month so I'm behind on every thing by at least that much.

Right now there's pets who have been missing me and funeral arrangements to take care of, I still need to make a few phone calls and go see how the rest of the family made it through the night. I just needed to post something somewhere while things are still relatively quiet. I'll be back when I can.
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LaLumieri · 51-55, F
Im sorry to hear about the things you are going through. Stay as strong as you can and be well. You will catch up to things. Im dealing with a lot myself right now. So i understand . My prayers are with you.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@LaLumieri Thank you. I think by the time he passed I had already done most of my grieving. There's still a lot to process, but I'm sure somehow we will be strengthened by the experience.

Today I went out, climbed on his tractor and went to plowing. I had bought his favorite corn several weeks back and was hopping it might make before he passed but it wasn't meant to be. That was the first thing I planted today. He worried that one day food might be in short supply so he always planted enough to share with everyone.
LaLumieri · 51-55, F
@robb65 What a beautiful way to be. Thinking ahead to share. And yes I agree experiences although sad ,Do strengthen our souls. I try not to think about those very last moments, but instead think of All the good stuff he had done in his life And what his soul was truly made of and that's what's kept me going. And the several funny moments that go through my brain. Like the time my sister and I walked into my parents' house And the toilet bowl was in the living room.. My dad liked to fix things himself so while it was a bit strange it really wasn' t surprising to me and my sister or my mom for that matter.. When we asked where dad was she said "oh he's in the bathroom. He's been yelling from In there so I guess he's in the bathroom. " "Don't worry my mother said, I've already called the plumber. "The funny part is when we went into the bathroom to see what was going on My father's face was poking out of the hole where the toilet bowl is supposed to be from underneath us. He thought it was pretty funny My mother was worried he was gonna get his head stuck. When his friend the plumber came in he yelled "get out of there theres poisonous gas!!!" Just a typical day at my parents house. It was pretty funny though I miss those days.
Hope the story made you laugh and perhaps think about some happier times.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@LaLumieri I see you found the garden pic, I was thinking about re posting that. That was 2 years ago and I had a feeling then that would be his last. Last year he started planting and then ended up in the hospital, must have been in April or May, and then again a second time in June.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
So sorry for your loss and hope you can get some normality back soon for your own peace of mind.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I tried to burn the place down. Alas, I was unsuccessful.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@GeistInTheMachine I'm glad it didn't work. A lot of people seem to need this place. Sometimes on an off day I drop by for a few minutes just to remind myself that I'm actually still sane and normal.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
@robb65 Relatively...
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@robb65 There's always next time.
Tenshi · 22-25
you should send a dm 💜

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