story time: a halloween nightmare.
this is a really long story but i need somewhere to drop it off. so you’re all stuck with it.
yesterday night my son and i went trick or treating. it was great, it even started drizzling which was amazing! when he decided he got enough candy we headed home.
once we arrived it was about 8pm. my sister was sleeping over with her friend. they showed up maybe 15 mins after we got home. (they also left pretty much right away to go trick or treating on their own) but when they arrived the porch door was left open which resulted my male cat getting outside. as i am walking out of the house with a flashlight to find him, my roommate is walking into the house with a black 3/4month old kitten in his arms saying “look what i found outside! he just ran up to me and i picked him up” i pet the kitten for a minute, asking what he will do with it. he said he didnt know yet. i left the house to look for my cat. (i knew where he went because he always goes to the same place if he ever escapes. sure enough i found him there)
walking back with him in my arms, my roommate is outside also looking for him, i tell him i found the cat and went into the house. i see the black kitten is still on the porch. i quickly snuck past him into the house so my cat won’t see him. as i enter the house the door was open for like 10 seconds which gave my female cat enough time to dart out onto the porch (i wasn’t expecting her there, she probably just needed to use the litter) she started attacking the cat as soon as she saw it. i yell to my roommate, he runs in trying to separate them. hearing all of this from the kitchen the male cat is now triggered into fight mode.
the female cat and the kitten run outside. during all of this chaos, my son is in the kitchen with me. i tell him i am going to check on the cats outside. outside the female cat has the kitten backed up against a wall in a standoff. my roommate is trying to get her away from him. i tell him he needs to put a blanket on her and bring her in like that. i go inside to get a blanket he can use. walking back into the house i hear my son screaming at the top of his lungs.
i run in looking for him, he wasn’t in the kitchen or the living room, i ran to his bedroom (his bedroom has French doors with windows on it) i approach his door, he lifts the curtain that covers the door yelling that he doesn’t want the male cat next to him because he scratched him, but in his moment of fear/anger he hits the window with his hand, shattering it. glass goes flying everywhere and he starts crying even more. i lift him up right away, bringing him to an open space to check him for glass and cuts.
he got two small cuts that were bleeding, luckily he wasn’t cut as much as i thought. at this point i want to start freaking out but i am trying to stay calm for him. he got scratched by the male cat because he heard the female fighting.. a little while later the female cat was brought back in safely. i cleaned my sons scratches and cuts, put bandaids and antibiotic ointment on him. luckily he got scratched and not bitten so we didn’t need to go to the hospital.
i regret leaving my son in the kitchen with the male cat who becomes a total psycho whenever he gets triggered. i had no idea he would go at my son but i should have known from the time he attacked me in the past… all the glass was cleaned up, and things started to calm down.
my son said that it was the worst Halloween he ever had and it was the worst day of his life. 😔 it took a while to calm him down and make him feel safe again. he ended up getting to sleep super late, and upset.
BUT to top all of that, my roommate had the audacity to be upset with me for letting the female cat run out onto the porch when he was the one who brought a stray cat into the house with the most territorial, hot headed cat i have ever met, and a female cat who JUST had kittens and will do everything to protect her living space no matter what.
i asked my roommate what he did with the cat, he said he gave it to some family that was walking past the house while they were trick or treating. like…? what if they just left him outside because they don’t want him? he should have been brought to a shelter. it was so stressful, and all for nothing. i hate when ppl impulsively do shit ruining everything for everyone. 😓
yesterday night my son and i went trick or treating. it was great, it even started drizzling which was amazing! when he decided he got enough candy we headed home.
once we arrived it was about 8pm. my sister was sleeping over with her friend. they showed up maybe 15 mins after we got home. (they also left pretty much right away to go trick or treating on their own) but when they arrived the porch door was left open which resulted my male cat getting outside. as i am walking out of the house with a flashlight to find him, my roommate is walking into the house with a black 3/4month old kitten in his arms saying “look what i found outside! he just ran up to me and i picked him up” i pet the kitten for a minute, asking what he will do with it. he said he didnt know yet. i left the house to look for my cat. (i knew where he went because he always goes to the same place if he ever escapes. sure enough i found him there)
walking back with him in my arms, my roommate is outside also looking for him, i tell him i found the cat and went into the house. i see the black kitten is still on the porch. i quickly snuck past him into the house so my cat won’t see him. as i enter the house the door was open for like 10 seconds which gave my female cat enough time to dart out onto the porch (i wasn’t expecting her there, she probably just needed to use the litter) she started attacking the cat as soon as she saw it. i yell to my roommate, he runs in trying to separate them. hearing all of this from the kitchen the male cat is now triggered into fight mode.
the female cat and the kitten run outside. during all of this chaos, my son is in the kitchen with me. i tell him i am going to check on the cats outside. outside the female cat has the kitten backed up against a wall in a standoff. my roommate is trying to get her away from him. i tell him he needs to put a blanket on her and bring her in like that. i go inside to get a blanket he can use. walking back into the house i hear my son screaming at the top of his lungs.
i run in looking for him, he wasn’t in the kitchen or the living room, i ran to his bedroom (his bedroom has French doors with windows on it) i approach his door, he lifts the curtain that covers the door yelling that he doesn’t want the male cat next to him because he scratched him, but in his moment of fear/anger he hits the window with his hand, shattering it. glass goes flying everywhere and he starts crying even more. i lift him up right away, bringing him to an open space to check him for glass and cuts.
he got two small cuts that were bleeding, luckily he wasn’t cut as much as i thought. at this point i want to start freaking out but i am trying to stay calm for him. he got scratched by the male cat because he heard the female fighting.. a little while later the female cat was brought back in safely. i cleaned my sons scratches and cuts, put bandaids and antibiotic ointment on him. luckily he got scratched and not bitten so we didn’t need to go to the hospital.
i regret leaving my son in the kitchen with the male cat who becomes a total psycho whenever he gets triggered. i had no idea he would go at my son but i should have known from the time he attacked me in the past… all the glass was cleaned up, and things started to calm down.
my son said that it was the worst Halloween he ever had and it was the worst day of his life. 😔 it took a while to calm him down and make him feel safe again. he ended up getting to sleep super late, and upset.
BUT to top all of that, my roommate had the audacity to be upset with me for letting the female cat run out onto the porch when he was the one who brought a stray cat into the house with the most territorial, hot headed cat i have ever met, and a female cat who JUST had kittens and will do everything to protect her living space no matter what.
i asked my roommate what he did with the cat, he said he gave it to some family that was walking past the house while they were trick or treating. like…? what if they just left him outside because they don’t want him? he should have been brought to a shelter. it was so stressful, and all for nothing. i hate when ppl impulsively do shit ruining everything for everyone. 😓