Ladies, you like men clean-shaven or bearded?
It seems, beard is more in fashion now-a-days but beard doesn't look good on me. I am clean-shaven most of the time. Profile pic, that's a Snapchat filter.😇Also, the post isn't about me.😁
Well, to some, looks don't matter. Just his ❤️ matters. To some, looks and his ❤️, both matter. To some, looks is everything.
To some, looks and ❤️ don't matter at all. What matters...We'll talk about that some other day. We men are no Saints either.😇
This is a general question.😇
Well, to some, looks don't matter. Just his ❤️ matters. To some, looks and his ❤️, both matter. To some, looks is everything.
To some, looks and ❤️ don't matter at all. What matters...We'll talk about that some other day. We men are no Saints either.😇
This is a general question.😇