I'm More Confused.
Well, here's a new post, an update I could say about my last post.
So I talked with my boyfriend and we got most things figured out.
But then he said how he wanted 100% of my attention just didn't want to give me 100% of his attention?? Which kind of makes no sense, because he does know how I get when I give 100% and he doesn't give 100% back. He did admit to being jealous of when I do anything else in my day.
I know most of y'all don't really know what to say, but any things you could think of on why he might want this? Ik I already said what he admitted to, and I guess that would explain, but kind of makes no sense.
I mean, does this mean he doesn't trust me or something?
He just said this: "i just ... idk when i see you having more fun or having more interest with another person then me i wanna fukin crawl in a hole and disappear. and just you talking to another guy makes my stomach hurt rlly fuking bad" (10:32 PM EST time)
I wasn't trying to make him bring anything up like that, and I wasn't even being an asshole when I asked or say anything that'd make him feel the need to say that, other than saying how I seem to be more chill when talking to guys cuz every girl in school is toxic, overdramatic and filled with drama.
So I talked with my boyfriend and we got most things figured out.
But then he said how he wanted 100% of my attention just didn't want to give me 100% of his attention?? Which kind of makes no sense, because he does know how I get when I give 100% and he doesn't give 100% back. He did admit to being jealous of when I do anything else in my day.
I know most of y'all don't really know what to say, but any things you could think of on why he might want this? Ik I already said what he admitted to, and I guess that would explain, but kind of makes no sense.
I mean, does this mean he doesn't trust me or something?
He just said this: "i just ... idk when i see you having more fun or having more interest with another person then me i wanna fukin crawl in a hole and disappear. and just you talking to another guy makes my stomach hurt rlly fuking bad" (10:32 PM EST time)
I wasn't trying to make him bring anything up like that, and I wasn't even being an asshole when I asked or say anything that'd make him feel the need to say that, other than saying how I seem to be more chill when talking to guys cuz every girl in school is toxic, overdramatic and filled with drama.
18-21, F