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Was I In The Wrong?

Last night, me and my boyfriend got into a fight, over him streaming -.- Now, I didn't care he was streaming but I had asked him. "Oh your streaming now?" And he said he was, I told him how I was a bit upset because recently my mindset had been in a horrible place and I wanted his attention to occupy my brain.

Don't get me wrong, I've tried so many other things but nothing seemed to help, games, old games I used to play with my best friend, and stuff like that, my best friend ended her own life and I just learned about it 3 days ago.

I did tell him how ever since that happened I've been wanting 100% of his attention. And he seemed to understand. Well when I asked him that question, and told him how I was a bit upset, even after telling him why I wanted his attention, also first time I've ever mentioned something about it, so I don't know why he even said what he said.

My first question is, am I in the wrong for wanting him to occupy me while I'm at my lowest moments? My next question is about to come up after I say a few more things.

After a bit of "arguing" it wasn't really arguing, more so a mild disagreement but either way he said. "No matter what I do, it's never enough." And well, saying that to your already sensitive girlfriend and her being at her lowest point, that breaks her, a lot. So I of course, started crying a bit, then more when he just kept going on about what he'd cut out of his life to make it. "All about me, every hour of the day." and that isn't what I want.

So, I started breaking more, stupidly saying how if I make him think he has to cut everything out of his life, we shouldn't be dating, I told him how it'd be better for his mental health to get with a stable person and stuff like that.

And in all honesty, I don't even know what he meant by no matter what he does, it'll never be enough. He does stuff for me and that stuff makes me happy. But he doesn't cut stuff out of his life.

Was I in the wrong for telling him to get a more stable gf?? Because in the moment it felt right, he was saying how no matter what he does it isn't enough and saying how he'd cut everything out of his life so it's all on me. With him saying that, it made me feel like shit. And seemed like he was hinting for me to leave or something.
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CassandraSissy · 26-30, T Best Comment
Well, sweetie, it all reads to me like your young man is just expressing his in 'I'm here for you, I understand, I'm giving a lot of myself 'cos I care but I just need a little 'me time' to decompress also....'

Just give him that little to him.....and also listen to him. We all have times where we can't see the wood for the trees - we go too far down the rabbit hole and have little perspective on that otherside of our lives - relationships etc - does that mean that when you have a disagreement you should split up? NO! It means that you should talk...and listen....

Don't push him away, sweetie....


Perhaps you both need to hear each other out and learn when to express what and when.

If he's saying that he's making drastic changes to his life to please you, then perhaps it's time to look at yourself and ask if you really do demand too much of him and if you appreciate what he's done so far. He's also in the wrong for keeping silent about matters that clearly frustrate him and blurts them out at inappropriate times.
You saying he should get a new gf was reactive but you were in a vulnerable state. His comments sound reactive too and not very understanding or supportive. He might be stressed too, with the extra care you require. You were trying to share your feelings with him and he made it about his problems with you. That isn't the time to bring up his issues. You should be able to talk to each other without getting defensive, turning it around on the other person or calling it quits. That takes learning and practice.
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rrraksamam · 31-35, M
You're right.

Then again, you're both young so disagreements like this are bound to happen.
I've seen adults screaming at each other for minor things.

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