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She.... snapchatted me? A picture?

SHE NEVER DOES THAT wtf is going on.... maybe I was wrong.... I was probably to hard on her muting her.... I just.... she's not even the real problem none of them are honestly.

My issues are so.... I just have all of this frustration because people who are supposed to be family aren't supporting me where it matters. My mother is trying to undo everything that I have been dreaming of.... and I don't even believe in dreams anymore. They're going to destroy me before the the world even gets to wrap its filthy mitts around my neck.
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Prisca · 31-35, F
Learn to stand up to your mother, don't be a mama's boy. Her over protective behavior might hurt you later.
I'm no boy but that's not relevant.

With this I've already decided my mother is not going to get an opportunity to ruin this. Especailly since its life or death
Prisca · 31-35, F
@ShadowOfHumanity: Sorry I thought you are a guy never mind same applies for the a girls mother too. I will inbox u something.
oh ok

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